
Web Page Reviews - 1999 - June

Are you paying too much for your Internet access? NetZero is a fast growing Net access provider that has attracted over half a million subscribers since its mid October 1998 launch. NetZero is free for very basic service. All you have to do is tolerate commercials on your desktop to help cover Net Zero's costs. (1999-06)
Net zero  (keywords: Internet, general)
Traveling around the USA and wondering why some states have so many versions of license plates? This site will help you identify the multitude of plates from each state, as well as those from a globe full of countries: (1999-06)
Is it Graffiti or Art? The endless debate can be prolonged with these photos and images from around the world. (1999-06)
Graffiti  (keywords: Art, general)
I'll never get to visit Africa but this site, The Living Africa, leads you (the tourist) through the people, wildlife, land, and national parks with descriptions and some very tasteful photography. Send a friend a virtual postcard and say you went: (1999-06)
Traveling to New York City? No matter how hard you look, you won't see what's really directly under your feet. But we know that you want to know. This site has some intriguing diagrams, photos, and talking tours. Watch where you step. (1999-06)
Do you know what VRML is? I didn't until I visited this site. I won't spoil it for ya. Very entertaining. Select the VRML button. Takes a little time to load, so it's not for slow PC's. Be sure to download/install the VRML plug in before selecting the displayed graphics. (1999-06)
Content Creator  (keywords: Internet, general)
The world's best bubble wrap page. A very valuable site, if you enjoy noisy plastic. Bubble wrap diagnostics, etiquette, methods, and style. (1999-06)
Bubble wrap  (keywords: Fun)
This is fun! Interactive Guide to Optical Illusions. Lots of exhibits. (By the way, scheduled your annual eye exam yet???) (1999-06)
Useless Site of the Month (it even boasts as having been certified as such). Guaranteed that you won't visit this site twice. Hey, even a USotM deserves to been seen ONCE: (1999-06)
You really didn't want to spend your entire summer out in the sun, did you? OK, with time to kill, you can even view the Driveways of the Rich and Famous. And for free! : (1999-06)
You can't get there from here, but you can see what others saw when they got there. IMAX Camera Images by the crew of Space Shuttle Mission STS-88 in December 1998. (1999-06)
A collection of the most senseless laws in the United States (even a few Michigan cities are listed) and around the world. Watch what you do, the boys in the blue uniforms may be watching you… (1999-06)
Time to put that rust bucket to rest? Get it replaced with a newer set of wheels. Check here to be dollar wise when heading to the negotiation table. The N.A.D.A. guide lists the recommended 'selling' prices for used automobiles (and motorcycles, boats, RVs., aircraft, and manufactured housing). Purchasing tips, also. Select the appropriate tab: "Autos", "Boats", etc. (1999-06)
NADA Guides  (keywords: Shopping, general)
Now that Spring is here and summer is quickly approaching, are you thinking of a new home? Do you want something a little closer to work or something out of the hustle and bustle of the city? Here are a few sites that will help make the process of finding the right area and everything else a little easier. (1999-06)
NADA home value guides  (keywords: Humor, general)
Try this one for information on mortgage rates, home inspections, questions for you real estate agent, cost of homes in your area, or even in Duluth, MN. (1999-06)
This site will help you compute the cost of living differences among hundreds of U.S. and international cities, and help you make your own list of the 10 best cities in which to live. You can calculate the cost of shipping household goods, and create a custom timeline to plan your move. Find current mortgage rates. Use powerful calculators and helpful articles. Even check the weather in the area of your new home. Lots more on moving, decorating, finance/insurance, renting, maintaining yards. (1999-06)
Home Fair  (keywords: Finances, general)
This real estate site lists 1.3 million properties, plus maps, photos, and community facts. (1999-06)
Realtor  (keywords: Real estate, general)
Mortgage information and loan tracking can be obtained from over 65 lenders. (1999-06)
Eloan  (keywords: Finances, general)
Looking for the lowest mortgage rates? Want to know how a home purchase will effect my taxes? Within 15 minutes you can receive a prequalification letter. (1999-06)
Are you a first time buyer? This easy to use site will provide a step by step explanation of the loan application process. (1999-06)
Quicken mortgage  (keywords: Finances, generalReal estate, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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