
Web Page Reviews - 2003 - March

Here is a new search engine to try. It has the same features as Google but it also has some new features. You can place your cursor over the link on the results page and add the link to a list for later viewing. You can email the link or you can open the link in a new window so you will not have to hit the back button to return to your results. This will enable you to minimize the window until you are ready to use it. (2003-03)
Links to Breaking news, world news papers, articles, books, essays and opinions. This site will give you information on just about anything or the very least, it will link you to a page that will have the info you are looking for. (2003-03)
Al Daily  (keywords: Reference, general)
Yoga Journal is a site that is full of information on mudras, meditation, and mantras. There is also a very useful index that allows you to search for various yoga positions. (2003-03)
Yoga Journal  (keywords: PublicationsSports, general)
You can almost smell the food when you hit Chow Hound. The message board is a great place to get feedback on some of the outings that other chow hounds have been on in recent days. "Where are the Motown Hounds" is the spot to find out where the best places in the greater Detroit area are located. (2003-03)
Chowhound  (keywords: Dining out)
Sit right back and you'll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful trip...that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. Sound familiar? If it does then you know that it is the opening song from Gilligan's Island. This site will give you all the answers to those questions that are burning inside you about Gilligan's Island, i.e. who were the stars of Gilligan's Island and where are they now, or what are the rest of the words to the Gilligan theme song. Or how do I make Mary Ann's Famous Coconut Cream Pie? You can get copies of the actual scripts so you can follow your favorite episode word for word. If you want, you can even purchase one of those Gilligan hats. (2003-03)
Gilligan's Isle  (keywords: Humor, general)
If you are going to be traveling out of the USA, this site will be helpful. It will give you the current exchange rates. (2003-03)
Currency exchange rates  (keywords: Finances, generalTravel, general)
If you are having trouble with one of your household appliances, you can get assistance in making the repair yourself from the Repair Clinic. This site will give information on repairing 16 different appliances from refrigerators, stoves, and dish washers to washing machines. (2003-03)
Repair Clinic  (keywords: Computers, help)
If you are looking for a digital camera, DP Review is a good spot to comparison shop. You will be able to look at the various features of the digital camera and then you will be able to compare cameras against one another. You will also be able to see what the suggested retail price is, and what the camera is selling for in the real world. (2003-03)
DP Review  (keywords: Photography, generalPublications)
Get ratings on Doctors, hospitals, nursing homes and home health agencies throughout the country. (2003-03)
Health grades  (keywords: Health, general)
Have a little fun with your birthday. Enter the date of your birthday and find out how you stand in relation to the rest of the world. (2003-03)
If you will be traveling to Louisiana you will find this site very useful for information on where to stay, where to eat, and what to do. You can also get information on what is new and fun, festivals and events, and there is even information on history and heritage. (2003-03)
Louisiana travel - cooking  (keywords: Cooking, generalTravel, general)
If you like Mexican food this is a site you may want to try. You can search for Mexican recipes just by putting in the ingredients you want to use or you can search by the type of meal that you are planning. (2003-03)
If you are looking for Italian recipes you will want to check out this site. It has over 350 recipes for soups, pastas, meats, vegetables, sauces and desserts. (2003-03)
Find out what is on at the movies. You can get news, trailers, festival information, show times and reviews. (2003-03)
Cinema  (keywords: Movies, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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