
Web Page Reviews - 2004 - March

The Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy contains information about lighthouses and life saving stations located in Michigan. Descriptions and pictures of over 100 structures. (2004-03)
Michigan lights  (keywords: LighthousesLocal, general)
This site contains loads of pictures and history of Western Great Lakes lighthouses, plus info on lenses, fog signals, vessels, the ACoE, keeper’s instruction list, lighthouse glossary, and more. (2004-03)
Virtual museum of Canada. Check the image gallery. Especially interesting (and expansive) are the astronomy and toy sections. (2004-03)
Virtual Museum  (keywords: Astronomy, generalCanadaMuseum, generalToys)
You don't have to make a purchase to view this company's amazing glassware. Click on Catalogue, and then select from the 10 categories at the top. (2004-03)
Tom Masi  (keywords: Glassware)
Providing computer help in the form of computer tips and articles, software, computer forums, and more. (2004-03)
Malek tips  (keywords: Computers, info)
A couple of software architects have created several dozen unique utility programs and informational documents for users of Windows and Linux. (2004-03)
Sys Internals  (keywords: Linux, generalWindows, general)
Where to start with a genealogy project? Guides and tips to tracing your ancestry, resources/links to marriage license data bases, birth records, census info, and much more. (2004-03)
Genealogy links  (keywords: Genealogy)
LEGO fans worldwide unite through discussion groups, web pages, and services, plus database of LEGO sites created by Lego fans, and photo gallery of Lego projects. (2004-03)
Lego User Group  (keywords: Lego)
How far can you get the wooly snow monster to bat the penguin? Other games available. (Select a language, then click on 'download', then select the Games section, and download your selected game(s).) (2004-03)
Comprehensive source of continental and world rankings in an increasing number of categories. The data is derived from numerous sources including United Nations agencies and the United States' CIA's World Factbook. (2004-03)
Take a walk down Windows Memory Lane at this MS Windows History web site. Descriptions and sample screens of past Windows versions. (2004-03)
The faces and objects pictured here are carved from the seeds of fruit such as peach, plum, apricot, olive, sweet cherry, wild cherry and even the seed from the dogwood tree. (2004-03)
Pit carving  (keywords: Art, generalCuriosity)
Google has created a page that shows search patterns, trends, and surprises from 2003. (2004-03)
Browse this collection of demotivational posters. Closer to reality?? (2004-03)
Despair  (keywords: Despair)
The Gibson Research folks have created a very good, illustrated tutorial of how a Distributed Denial Of Service attack works. Where’s YOUR firewall? (2004-03)
Gibson - DOS  (keywords: DOS (Denial of Service))
The "world's first and best site dedicated to improving and customizing MS Win XP". Dozens of articles to help you personalize the look and efficiency of your XP machine. (2004-03)
Over 32,000 quotes spoken by 5,500 authors and historical figures. If it isn’t here, it hasn’t been uttered. (2004-03)
If you have a keyboard, you, too, can be an ASCII artist! Compare yours with these. (2004-03)
Would you like Shakespeare to insult you? You've come to the right place. (2004-03)
Museum of Unworkable Devices - pictures, illustrations, and animations of impossible contraptions. (2004-03)
Two links to guides to old covered bridges in the NE and out West. Lots of bridge pictures and statistics. (2004-03)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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