
Web Page Reviews - 2014 - June

Anatomy of a PC crash: seven scenarios and how you can avoid them. (2014-06)
PC crash  (keywords: Windows, troubleshooting)
Load most of your free and open source programs all at once. (2014-06)
Ninite  (keywords: Software, utilities)
34 funny graphs that capture everyday life struggles in the most accurate way possible. (2014-06)
invalid URL removed
Learn to code from scratch , how to code for the web without going through the traditional college degree route. (2014-06)
Multi-story mini-golf game. (2014-06)
A downloadable step by step guide to getting more from your Medicare benefits. (2014-06)
Medicare guide  (keywords: Health, benefits)
Competitive prices on prescription medications in your area. (2014-06)
Meds prices  (keywords: Health, drugs)
Free tool removes unwanted formatting from the clipboard in less than a second so you can paste unformatted text to any application. (2014-06)
GetPlainText  (keywords: Windows, utilities)
Why you can (and in many cases should) trust free software. (2014-06)
Trust freeware  (keywords: Software, free)
How to stress test your PC hardware to ensure the reliability and stability of your system. (2014-06)
Stress test  (keywords: Computers, diagnostics)
Free tool conveniently helps you manage startup programs, monitor performance of hard drive, memory, health, and temperature, and many more maintenance and tweaking options. (2014-06)
When tech support calls you. (2014-06)
Tech support  (keywords: Computers, scams)
How to buy a wireless router. (2014-06)
Wireless router  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
What if Windows refuses to uninstall or delete some software and tosses up the dreaded 'Program is in use' message? (2014-06)
Program is in use  (keywords: Windows, utilities)
Transform a document, website, image, or just about anything else into a PDF file using the free CutePDF Writer. (2014-06)
CutePDF  (keywords: Windows, PDF)
Cool projects and how to videos for you to try at home, featuring a mixture of original ideas and reworks of classic concepts, together with some slow motion destruction videos. (2014-06)
Cool home projects  (keywords: Do It Yourself)
Streaming music service of thousands of top tier tunes; search by song, album, artist, genre, or just employ discovery. (2014-06)
Spotify  (keywords: Music, online)
What is an Ubuntu PPA and why would I want to use one? (2014-06)
Ubuntu PPA  (keywords: Linux, Ubuntu)
Why Windows XP users should switch to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr". (2014-06)
Switching to Ubuntu  (keywords: Linux, UbuntuWindows, WinXP)
Updates for all Ubuntu package versions. (2014-06)
Ubuntu updates  (keywords: Linux, Ubuntu)
Site features a wide range of topics from animal rights, health, and human services, and poverty to the environment, education, spirituality; more than 250 original films, 30,000 photographs, plus dozens of live nature webcams. (When switching among categories, a webpage reload/refresh may be needed.) (2014-06)
Explore  (keywords: Nature, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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