
Web Page Reviews - 2019 - April

How does Bluetooth work and why is it so terrible? (2019-04)
BLuetooth terrible?  (keywords: Computers, Bluetooth)
What is OLED technology and what does OLED mean? (2019-04)
OLED technology  (keywords: Television, technologies)
Before you buy a new cable to go with a 4K TV, consider what you're using the TV for. (2019-04)
4K HDMI TV  (keywords: Television, technologies)
Firefox Send - a free and encrypted file-sharing service from Mozilla. (2019-04)
Firefox Send service  (keywords: Internet, Firefox, general)
Ransomware attacks commercial as well as personal computers. Here's how Ransomware locks your PC & holds your data hostage, and what precautions you can take to mitigate an attack. Watch this 5-min. video. It's worth repeating. (2019-04)
Ransomware precautions  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Hub, Switch, & Router explained - What's the difference? (Note: Hubs are rarely used anymore.) (7-min. video) (2019-04)
Hub vs. Switch vs. Router  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
Modem vs. Router - What's the difference? (Note: Although many cable modems include router technology, it's very wise to add a separate dedicated router into your home network for its additional security.) (7-min. video) (2019-04)
Modem vs. Router  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
What is a VPN (Virtual Private Network), how does it work, what's the value for you in subscribing to a VPN service? (Don't choose the advertised VPN just because it's mentioned in this video, do your own research.) (13-min. video) (2019-04)
What's the value of a VPN?  (keywords: Security, VPN)
If you've ever shopped for an Internet cable for your PC, you probably saw different types available, such as Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6 and others, but which should you be using? (Watch at least the first 9 minutes of this 12-min. video.) (2019-04)
Ethernet cable types 3  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
Make an MP3 disc with this BurnAware Free tool and play it in your MP3-compatible CD player. (2019-04)
Make MP3 disc with Burnaware Free  (keywords: Music, burn to disc)
You might be surprised to know that it's not healthy for most batteries to be on a charger all the time. They'll last longer if you let them almost run out of power from time to time (a.k.a. "exercising" the battery). But what if you repeatedly see the "battery plugged in not charging" error on your PC and you know the battery and cord are in good shape? (2019-04)
Battery charging error on PC  (keywords: Computers, hardware, battery)
What is Wi-Fi 6? Do you need to get a new router? (2019-04)
What is Wi-Fi 6?  (keywords: Internet, wi-fi)
12 YouTube channels for car nuts. (2019-04)
Car nut video channels  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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