
Web Page Reviews - 2023 - June

If you have vintage PC hardware with a 32-bit processor (CPU) and you would like to keep on using it, here are 15 Linux distros with 32-bit support. (2023-06)
32-bit Linux distros  (keywords: Linux, distros)
View the internal corners of a Boeing 747 airliner during its maintenance appointment, and what happens to it when it runs out of air miles. (59-min. video) (2023-06)
Tour of Boeing 747 during maintenance  (keywords: Aircraft, commercial)
Take a 360-degree tour of Machu-Picchu in Peru with audio accompaniment. (2023-06)
Tour of Machu-Picchu in Peru  (keywords: Travel, South America)
Setting up a local account in Windows 11 is tricky. Here's how to do it. (2023-06)
Setting up Windows 11 local account  (keywords: Windows, Windows 11, general)
If you're looking for a way to stream or watch movies and TV shows, there's a good choice you're trying to pick between Kodi and Plex. (2023-06)
Choosing Kodi or Plex for streaming  (keywords: Television, streaming)
ChatGPT fan? Here are 10 more generative AI tools worth trying. (2023-06)
ChatGPT alternatives  (keywords: Artificial Intelligence AI, ChatGPT)
Animated timeline shows how Silicon Valley became a $2.8 trillion neighborhood. (4-min. video) (2023-06)
Silicon Valley animated timeline  (keywords: Technology, general)
Do you really need to buy an antivirus app/software or a VPN anymore on your computer or smartphone? (2023-06)
Need to buy AV/VPN anymore for devices?  (keywords: Security, shopping)
Run a DNS Leak Test to confirm that your VPN service is working properly (that it is not leaking DNS data). (2023-06)
DNS leaks  (keywords: Computers, DNS)
How to pair a Bluetooth device to your computer, tablet, or phone. (2023-06)
How to pair Bluetooth devices  (keywords: Computers, Bluetooth)
"The Origins of Silicon Valley: Why and How It Happened" - Stanford Historical Society presentation. (62-min. video) (2023-06)
Origins of Silicon Valley  (keywords: Technology, general)
What are ChatGPT plugins? The next phase of conversational AI is here. (2023-06)
What are ChatGPT plugins?  (keywords: Artificial Intelligence AI, ChatGPT)
How to combine two columns in Excel spreadsheet while preserving data. (2023-06)
Combine two columns in spreadsheet  (keywords: Office suites, Excel)
Sumplete - Delete numbers so each row/column adds up to the target number at the right/bottom. (2023-06)
Sumplete game  (keywords: Games, online)
How to place mesh router nodes for optimal coverage. (2023-06)
Place mesh router nodes for optimal coverage  (keywords: Computers, hardware, mesh systems)
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