
Web Page Reviews - 2024 - January

Make a dreaded BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) Windows system crash a little easier to diagnose with the steps in this article. (2024-01)
Diagnose BSoD system crashes  (keywords: Windows, troubleshooting)
Facebook is being overrun with stolen, AI-generated images that people think are real. (2024-01)
Stolen fake AI-generated images on Facebook  (keywords: Facebook)
"20 WORDS // 20 SECONDS" is a frantic typing game made to be played in only 20 seconds. (2024-01)
"20 Words/20 Seconds" game  (keywords: Games, online)
Oldest known wild bird, Wisdom, is back! (2024-01)
Oldest known wild bird  (keywords: Birds)
26 hidden Roku tips and tricks for streaming success. (2024-01)
Roku tips/tricks  (keywords: Television, streaming)
100 best photographs ever taken without Photoshop (so someone says). (2024-01)
Attractive photography without Photoshop  (keywords: Photography, general)
21 Mind Traps : The Ultimate Guide to your most common Thinking errors. (22-min. video) (2024-01)
21 Mind Traps - thinking errors Pt 1  (keywords: Health, general)
21 Mind Traps : The Ultimate Guide to your most common Thinking errors (Part II). (21-min. video) (2024-01)
21 Mind Traps - thinking errors Pt 2  (keywords: Health, general)
Why Coke at McDonald's tastes different. (12-min, video) (2024-01)
Why McDonalds' Coke tastes different  (keywords: Food, general)
Crushing various-sized Lithium Ion batteries with a Hydraulic Press in Finland. (12-min. video) (2024-01)
Crushing Lithium-Ion batteries  (keywords: Electronics, battery)
A game in which you're in charge of trust and safety at a social network, and all you have to do is keep everyone happy. How hard can that be? (2024-01)
"Trust and safety" game  (keywords: Games, online)
A game exploring the difficult decisions and tradeoffs when acting as a content moderator. (2024-01)
"Content moderator" game  (keywords: Games, online)
Every type of railcar explained in 15 Minutes. (17-min. video) (2024-01)
Railcars explained  (keywords: Trains, general)
Why you can't recycle your pants (until now). (12-min. video) (2024-01)
Recycling pants  (keywords: Recycling)
A fun collection of creative time-wasters. (2024-01)
Creative time-waster web sites  (keywords: Entertainment, online, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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