Computers, security (24)

Do you want to completely delete everything on a hard drive to protect privacy or remove a stubborn infection? Here is a review of 40 free data-destruction software programs. (2018-11)
Delete everything from a hard drive  (keywords: Computers, hardware, hard driveComputers, security)
This is the kind of information that all the sites you visit, as well as their advertisers and any embedded widgets, can see and collect about you. See if your system is leaking "WebRTC requests" or "DNS requests". (2018-09)
Web browser leaks  (keywords: Computers, security)
Detect and remove malware from USB (a.k.a flash, thumb, or zip) drives. (2018-01)
Remove USB malware  (keywords: Computers, security)
What is a "zero-day" virus? How your anti-virus software could fail you. (2017-03)
Zero-day virus  (keywords: Computers, security)
Two well-known PC gurus "discuss important issues of personal computer security. Sometimes we'll discuss something that just happened. Sometimes we'll talk about long-standing problems, concerns, or solutions. Either way, every week we endeavor to produce something interesting and important for every personal computer user." (2017-02)
PC security discussions  (keywords: Computers, security)
DDoS Attack: How to identify vulnerable devices. How secure is yours? (2016-12)
DDoS attack  (keywords: Computers, security)
Paranoid or prudent: Should you tape over your web cam? (Yes, says the FBI.) (2016-12)
Tape over webcam  (keywords: Computers, security)
Free Wi-Fi and the dangers of mobile Man-in-the-Middle attacks. (2016-11)
Man-in-the-Middle attacks  (keywords: Computers, security)
Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying on you. (2016-11)
Government spy terms  (keywords: Computers, security)
What is a DDoS ("Distributed Denial of Service") attack? (2016-09)
What is DDoS?  (keywords: Computers, security)
Ransomware scams are serious stuff. Should you pay up, or what else can you do? Here are your options, plus how to guard against ransomware. (2016-05)
Ransomware scams  (keywords: Computers, securitySecurity, ransomware)
Five suggested free anti-malware products to safeguard your PC. (2016-05)
Free antimalware tools  (keywords: Computers, securitySecurity, softwareWindows, security)
How to tell if your computer is vulnerable to hackers. (2016-05)
Hacker vulnerability tools  (keywords: Computers, securityWindows, security)
Some free tools to tell if your computer is vulnerable to hackers. (2016-04)
Hacker vulnerability tools  (keywords: Computers, securityWindows, security)
38 free data destruction software programs for wiping data from hard drives. (2016-03)
Delete everything from a hard drive  (keywords: Computers, hardware, hard driveComputers, security)
How to wipe a hard drive before you give it away or trash it. (2016-03)
Wiping a hard drive  (keywords: Computers, security)
How do you secure the hard drive when you take your computer to get it serviced? Consider more than just 'trust'. (2015-10)
Servicing your computer  (keywords: Computers, hardware, generalComputers, security)
Do you need a firewall for your computer? Heck, yes!!!! Here's a comparison between the two types (but you should consider having both types). (2015-03)
Firewall types  (keywords: Computers, hardware, generalComputers, securitySecurity, general)
Independent comparison of anti-virus products vs. the (mediocre) free Microsoft tool. Select 'Mobile' or 'Home User'. Click on the column headers to resort the categories. Click on any product name to view more detailed test results. (2014-11)
Reviews of Antivirus  (keywords: Computers, security)
Trustworthy magazine PCMag offers comparative reviews of free and commercial anti-virus products (2014-11)
Antivirus reviews  (keywords: Computers, security)
Can you outsmart a hacker? Take this short quiz to see. (2014-09)
Hacker safety quiz  (keywords: Computers, security)
The best way to explain how to choose a good password is to explain how they're broken. You need a strategy. Here are some tips you can use now. (2014-04)
Password tips  (keywords: Computers, security)
CryptoLocker ransomware information guide and FAQ. Be informed now, or pay up later. (2014-01)
Ransomware  (keywords: Computers, securityWindows, security)
Ubuntu based GNU/Linux live distribution, created as a project of digital forensics, offers a complete forensic environment that is organized to integrate existing software tools as software modules and to provide a friendly graphical interface. (2012-12)
Caine-Live  (keywords: Computers, securityLinux, distros)

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