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This article was written by Don VanSyckel, the club president, as a part of "The President's Pen". This article appeared in the December 2011 WYSIWYG newsletter. Government Control of the Internet by Don VanSyckel Normally I keep politics out of the computer club arena but sometimes there is a cross over. What do you think about the federal government implementing a system to turn off the internet? The stated reason is if there's a national emergency the federal government needs the ability to turn off the internet. Now stop and think about this, for years and years the federal government has been testing the "Emergency Broadcast System" designed to maintain communication in the event of a national emergency. Now in the upside down thinking of the current administration, if a national emergency happens the country needs to turn off communications instead of assuring that communications continue. This is a no brainier, of course you would want communications to continue. So what's the purpose in being able to turn off the internet? If you study up on the riots that have happened in China and a few other countries you'll find out that several countries have used turning off the internet as one tool in controlling their civilian population. You divide by shutting down civilian communications and then you conquer. There is virtually no other reason to shut down communications in a free society. Oh by the way, our military have their own networks that are unaffected by the internet turn off. How do you explain it?? Back to Windows, Win Vista has already gone the way of Windows ME. now it appears as though Windows 7 might be close on Vista's heels. Windows 8 is making it's appearance already. No cutesie name. Although Windows 8 is said to be more about mobile devices than for desk tops and laptops so possibly Windows 7 will not actually be disappearing. I have seen versions of Windows come and go and versions of Office come and go and I believe Microsoft continues to miss an opportunity to encourage people to upgrade more quickly. I have recently been subjected to a change of Office from 2002 to 2007. What a chore! What a bother! What a nuisance! For those of use who don't need any of the new features, Microsoft could not have done a more complete job of hiding, subverting, and generally mixing up program features than if they were trying. Actual Microsoft Office is trying! Very trying! Pun intended. My suggestion is that the new program function closely to the old version. As the user does things the program offers new features and points out where to find them. This would allow the user to jump to a new version and be production immediately. Then over time the user would integrate the new features into their toolbox and eventually be totally on the new system. Possibly a hot key to toggle old to new menus. Well enough dreaming back to the real world. End of Article |
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