Welcome to the Sterling Heights Computer Club

SHCC Computer

SHCC has a normal schedule for the next meeting. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month.
October will be in Community Room #1 on the first floor, down the hall to the right.

The SHCC is a club for computer enthusiasts of all knowledge levels from novice to power user. The club is located in Sterling Heights, Michigan.  The main meeting is the first Tuesday of each month, except July and August. Visitors are welcome to live meetings; remote meetings are SHCC members only. The next main meeting is 10:00 AM Tuesday, October 01, 2024 at SH Comm Ctr. See the Future Meetings page for complete schedule and meeting topics.
The SHCC strives to meet its goal of "promoting an understanding and knowledge of personal computers and software for the mutual benefit of the membership".  We serve members in Sterling Heights and surrounding communities with our regular meeting and Special Interest Groups.
Check out articles from past newsletters, of general interest to club members.  These articles are taken from our monthly newsletter, the WYSIWYG.
View a past version of the club newsletter, The WYSIWYG.  (Requires that Adobe Acrobat be installed on your computer. This program is available free from the Adobe web site.)
For more information about the club, e-mail us, or search the menu to the left.
After browsing this site, if you have additional questions send an e-mail to one of the officers.
Web site last updated 2024_09_11.
Sterling Heights Computer Club
P.O. Box 385
Sterling Heights, MI 48311-0385
Benefits of APCUG

Club members should contact the webmaster with comments and suggestions about this web site.
