SHCC Presentation History
for 2023

Date Presentation Presenter Organization
2023-01 Spreadsheets 101: Getting Started part 2 Paul Baecker SHCC
2023-02 Thunderbird Email Client Tour Don VanSyckel SHCC
2023-03 Cyber Security and Computer Fraud Officer Journeau Sterling Heights Police Department
2023-04 Introducing ChatGPT and Dall-e-2 Warner Mach SHCC
2023-05 Windows Tools Mike Bader SHCC
2023-06 Dual Boot to Linux and Still Access Your Windows Files Paul Cozort SHCC
2023-09 Playing with Microsoft PowerToys Paul Baecker SHCC
2023-10 Speed Up Your PC Mike Bader SHCC
2023-11 Music on the PC Paul Baecker SHCC
2023-12 Movies, Music, and Books from Your Library Don VanSyckel SHCC

Club members should contact the webmaster with comments and suggestions about this web site.
