Comprehensive consumer resource and shopper's guide for goods made in the USA. (2011-12)
US digital map library collects historical US and state and county maps. (2011-12)
View tombstones in Michigan cemeteries, organized by county. Submit your pictures. (2011-12)
Collection of historical penny (the cost to mail them) postcards, arranged by state and county. Submit your pictures. (2011-12)
Site focuses on small historic towns, historic destinations, unusual destinations, unique lodging, and local shops in Michigan. (2011-12)
Directory of Michigan made products. Browse by product, company, or retailer. (2011-12)
Search for American made products by alphabetical category. (2011-12)
A short exercise to achieve pleasant and readable text by distributing the space between letters. How well can you score? (2011-12)
BatteryBar is a small but extremely accurate battery meter for Windows (free and pro versions). (2011-12)
Take a virtual tour of a dealership of classic (high priced) automobiles. Visit the outside lot, the various showrooms, and the garage. Step into a few of these beauties. (2011-12)
Free utility for remotely verifying whether a port on your computer is open or closed. (2011-12)
Still haven't gotten the urge to ditch Outlook Express as your PC's e-mail client? Here's a collection of a few help tips for as long as it does not permanently fail on you. (2011-12)
Two free apps, an Image Viewer and a Photo Resizer, with extensive feature sets. (2011-12)
Curious about your Microsoft product's support end dates? Enter a Microsoft product in the "Product Name" field and click "Search". If your product does not list, click on the "additional product list" link near the top of the page. (2011-12)
Scroll down in the "All Pictures" category and the cute pictures just keep on coming. (2011-12)
Collection of images of aircraft, airfields, aerial scenery views, and more. (2011-12)
Hundreds of timed quizzes in many categories to keep your brain cells hopping. (2011-12)
Is that website inaccessible just for you or for everyone? (2011-12)
Tool provides valuable domain information such as IP address, IP location, domain registrar, status, expiration date, and DNS name servers. (2011-12)
Seventeen year project of creating three dimensional photographic images of human anatomy using innovations in dissection comprising 1,547 photographic images and accompanying drawings. (2011-12)