Computers, networks, Wi-Fi (4)

When you visit a coffee shop, a mall, or a laundromat, and you jump on their free Wi-Fi to use your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, do you understand the significant risks? Heed the cautions in this infographic. (2019-01)
Risks of free WIFi  (keywords: Computers, networks, Wi-Fi)
Free Windows apps that can solve Wi-Fi woes. (2016-09)
Solving Wi-Fi woes  (keywords: Computers, networks, Wi-Fi)
How to view the password of a Wi-Fi network in Windows. (2016-09)
View Wi-Fi network password  (keywords: Computers, networks, Wi-Fi)
Sharing your Wi-Fi internet access with a neighbor might seem friendly, but be aware of the dangers to your own computers. (2015-10)
Wi-Fi sharing dangers  (keywords: Computers, networks, Wi-Fi)

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