
Web Page Reviews - 2012 - April

OpenSSH is a free version of the SSH connectivity tools on which technical users of the Internet rely. It encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. (2012-04)
How fast can you hit the space bar? (2012-04)
NY Public Library Picture Collection Online presents more than 30,000 digitized images from books, magazines, newspapers, original photographs, prints, and postcards, mostly created before 1923 (2012-04)
Microsoft offers suggestions for making a Windows7 PC perform better. (2012-04)
Speed up PC  (keywords: Windows, Windows 7, general)
Extensive selection of movie information focused on current and upcoming releases. Numerous daily feed updates and profiles for hundreds of movies in production, and release calendars. (2012-04)
Movie insider  (keywords: Movies, general)
Interactive map of the 2010 census, by state and by county. (2012-04)
2010 census  (keywords: Government, census)
Panoramic visit to the National Museum of the US Air Force. Click on exhibits for detailed descriptions. (2012-04)
Daily editorial coverage of emerging product news and auto industry headlines, augmented by video, spy photos, and feature stories. (2012-04)
World cars  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Planning a road trip? We'll help you find some interesting stuff that's on the way (2012-04)
invalid URL removed
A list of 100 best tunes of the fifties, with accompanying music videos. (2012-04)
Best 50s tunes  (keywords: Music, historyMusic, videos)
Online rhyming dictionary - double rhymes, end rhymes, beginning rhymes, and more options. (2012-04)
Scale of the Universe 2. Use mouse scroll wheel. Click on individual objects for details. (2012-04)
Universe scale  (keywords: Universe)
Game of Life. Not your typical computer game. (2012-04)
You won't find buttons within this interface. You'll click only once. You navigate in a different manner. (2012-04)
Increase the range of your wireless network (home or elsewhere) with a Pringles or a coffee 'cantenna'. Here's how. (2012-04)
How many IP addresses does IPv6 support? 340 undecillion? This short article explains the numbers. (2012-04)
IPv6 addresses  (keywords: Computers, networks, general)
Zillow empowers consumers with information and tools to make smart decisions about homes, real estate, and mortgages. How does your home, or the one you want to purchase, compare with others in the same area, particularly in price? (2012-04)
Zillow  (keywords: Real estate, house hunting)
Cornell U. offers a site about birds; identifying, attracting, feeding,, and filming them, and science, conservation, art, history, and more. (2012-04)
All about birds  (keywords: Birds)
Free 500 page "Wireless Networking Starter Kit" e-book. Although published in 2004, much of the content is still relevant in 2012. (2012-04)
Find solutions to problems, errors or issues you are experiencing with Windows 7. Extensive tutorial section. (2012-04)
Windows 7 Issues by Seven Forums  (keywords: Windows, Windows 7, generalWindows, troubleshooting)
Community specific news and information platform dedicated to providing comprehensive and trusted local coverage for individual towns and communities. (2012-04)
Local news  (keywords: Local, Macomb Co)
Artscope visual browsing tool to explore 6000 artworks in this collection. (2012-04)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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