
Web Page Reviews - 2019 - June

Why do some web site addresses start with WWW2? (2019-06)
What is WWW2?  (keywords: Internet, web design)
Find wood imperfections with mineral spirits (2-min. video). (2019-06)
Wood imperfections  (keywords: Hobbies, woodworking)
Raspberry Pi kits: 10 options for beginners as well as experienced makers. (2019-06)
Raspberry Pi kits  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry Pi)
How to install and use Microsoft Office on Linux (with a license key, of course). (2019-06)
MS Office on Linux  (keywords: Linux, Office appsOffice suites, general)
Still using your kid's birthday as your universal password? You're heading toward trouble. Here's a review of password manager software choices. (2019-06)
Password manager software  (keywords: Internet, securitySecurity, Internet)
Kodi was described in an April newsletter article. A list of 10 legal Kodi add-ons for free movies. (2019-06)
Kodi movie add-ons  (keywords: Television, general)
A list of 'best' WordPress hosting providers recommended by the author. (2019-06)
WordPress hosting providers  (keywords: Internet, web design)
Backstabbing, disinformation, and bad journalism: The state of the VPN industry. In the Internet era, everyone needs a VPN just be cautious with your choosing. (2019-06)
State of VPN industry  (keywords: Security, VPN)
They don't always get away with it. Some spammers have been caught and punished. Here is a rundown of cyber-criminals who have done (or are doing) hard time for their misdeeds. (2019-06)
Cyber-criminals  (keywords: Internet, security)
Don't erase, overwrite: How to avoid being that person who resells or recycles a drive with data still on it. (2019-06)
Remove data from drive  (keywords: Computers, hardware, generalSecurity, storage drive)
Rock Pi 4B : M.2 & USB 3.0 SBC - Unpacking and using a more powerful Raspberry Pi alternative. (22-min. video) (2019-06)
Rock Pi 4B  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry Pi)
The ultimate guide to your PC: Everything you wanted to know and more. Near the top of this article is a link to download the entire guide to your PC as a .pdf file, go get it!! (2019-06)
Ultimate guide to your PC  (keywords: Computers, general)
20 awesome uses for a Raspberry Pi. (2019-06)
Raspberry Pi uses  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry Pi)
Getting started with a Raspberry Pi 3 (hardware assembly and software installation and use). (15-min. video) (2019-06)
Getting started with Raspberry Pi  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry Pi)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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