Computers, general (28)

Look up when your software/hardware will stop getting updates. Lists end-of-life dates for Windows, Office, Linux, iPhones, iPads, and MacOS products, and much more. (2023-10)
End-of-life hardware/software dates  (keywords: Android, generalApple, generalComputers, generalLinux, generalSoftware, generalWindows, general)
If you try to fix, upgrade (or even dare to open the case of) your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or other gadgets, does that act violate any law or void the warranty? (2020-10)
Voiding the warranty?  (keywords: Computers, generalPhones, general)
What exactly happens when you shut down or sign out of Windows? (2020-03)
Shutting down Windows PC  (keywords: Computers, generalWindows, general)
What exactly happens when you turn on your computer? (2020-03)
Turning on your computer  (keywords: Computers, general)
10 computer myths and lies explained. (12-min. video) (2019-10)
Computer myths and lies  (keywords: Computers, general)
The ultimate guide to your PC: Everything you wanted to know and more. Near the top of this article is a link to download the entire guide to your PC as a .pdf file, go get it!! (2019-06)
Ultimate guide to your PC  (keywords: Computers, general)
How to use VirtualBox: A user's guide. (Includes download link.) (2018-02)
Using VirtualBox  (keywords: Computers, general)
Live CDs are perhaps the most useful tool in any geek's toolkit. This live CD how-to guide outlines many uses that live CDs or DVDs can offer, from data recovery to enhancing privacy. (2018-02)
Live CDs  (keywords: Computers, general)
20 bad tech gifts to avoid giving during the 2017 holiday season. (2017-12)
Bad tech gifts for 2017  (keywords: Computers, generalElectronics, general)
How computers boot up. What happens before the Linux operating system displays on your monitor? Windows and Mac systems have similar procedures. (2017-01)
PC boot up  (keywords: Computers, general)
Affordable gaming PCs for 2016. (2017-01)
Gaming PCs 2016  (keywords: Computers, general)
A tutorial on color theory with respect to the creation or design of visual documents. (2010-02)
Color theory  (keywords: Computers, generalCreations)
Perform a visual proxy trace from your computer to a remote address. (2008-03)
TracertTool  (keywords: Computers, generalWindows, general)
Print graph paper in several formats via PDF files. (2005-05)
Print free graph paper  (keywords: Computers, generalPCs, general)
Internet Traffic Report monitors flow of data around the world; then displays values relative to ping responses. (2005-02)
Internet Traffic Report  (keywords: Computers, general)
The New High Tech Dictionary 2.0 (2005-01)
Valley of the Geeks - high tech dictionary  (keywords: Computers, generalHumor, general)
View timeline of miscellaneous computing languages. Click on the timeline diagram to enlarge it and follow their creations and how they feed into each other. Also similar diagrams of Windows and Unix histories. (2004-04)
Time line of computer languages  (keywords: Computers, generalHistory, generalPCs, languageSoftware, general)
Time line of Windows  (keywords: Computers, generalHistory, generalPCs, languageSoftware, generalWindows, general)
Time line of Unix  (keywords: Computers, generalHistory, generalPCs, languageSoftware, generalUnix)
This site offers understandable and accessible info about CD-R and CD-RW technology, including labeling, handling, and storage, plus recording hard/software and file system standards. (2004-04)
CD-R and CD-RW information  (keywords: CD/DVDComputers, general)
Apple II history site, with hardware, timelines, peripherals, genealogy, books/magazines, and more. (2003-11)
Apple II history  (keywords: Computers, general)
This tutorial discusses basic concepts of IP addresses, including address classes and subnet addressing. (2003-10)
WRQ - IP fundamentals tutorial  (keywords: Computers, general)
Get current computer news and information from Computer User. (2001-11)
Computer User  (keywords: Computers, general)
USB Implementers Forum is a nonprofit corporation founded by the group of companies that developed the Universal Serial Bus specification. Click on 'USB FAQ' for the real icing on this cake. (2001-10)
USB Implementers Forum  (keywords: Computers, general)
Do you like forums where you can find computer users helping other users? You can check out these sites: (2001-09)
Computing dot net  (keywords: Computers, general)
Would you like some new wallpaper for your computer? You can download 35 free samples. If you really enjoy changing paper, you can buy a subscription, which will gain you access to over 400 works. (2001-05)
Digital blasphemy  (keywords: Computers, general)
New to the cable modem or DSL experience or just investigating the possibility? These sites offer info for newbies, local broadband service searching, speed tweaks, and some security checks you can run on your system. How really safe is your connection? (2000-06)
DSL Reports  (keywords: Computers, generalInternet, general)
GRC speed test  (keywords: Internet, security)
Is broadband for you? These sites present providers and prices of high speed Internet access in your area. View info about relative merits of DSL and cable, tips for best service, hardware descriptions, and availability to your location and costs. (2000-02)
Speed guide  (keywords: Internet, general)
DSL Reports  (keywords: Computers, generalInternet, general)
Walt Mossberg is the Wall Street Journal's techie columnist. His weekly "Mailbox" column addresses PC users' questions. His latest and past columns are worth perusing. (2000-01)
Walt Mossberg archives  (keywords: Computers, general)
LinkSys offers user friendly info on peer to peer and client server networking (including procedures and hardware requirements and descriptions), without pushing their products too hard. Go to their "Learning Center". (1999-04)
Linksys  (keywords: Computers, general)

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