Software, backup (3)

How to Backup or Restore with AOMEI Backupper software. (8-min. video) (2024-04)
Backup/restore with AOMEI Backupper  (keywords: Software, backup)
If uninstalling any version of AOMEI Backupper fails (even if you just want to install a different version), follow these instructions. If you choose to follow the Registry edit steps, use extreme caution, but they work. Pay strict attention to different steps for 32-bit vs. 64-bit systems. (2023-01)
AOMEI Backupper install/uninstall  (keywords: Software, backup)
How to back up and transfer settings for your Windows programs to a new PC with CloneApp. (2017-12)
CloneApp tool  (keywords: Software, backup)

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