Windows, Windows 10, telemetry (3)

Caution! Microsoft resurrects Telemetry updates KB2952664 and KB2976978. (October 2016). (2016-11)
Windows telemetry  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, telemetry)
Want Windows 10 to stop spying on you & stealing your data? A short privacy guide. (12 min. video) (2016-09)
Windows 10 privacy guide  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, telemetry)
Disable Windows 10 Spying -- A very good Windows 10 Privacy & Security presentation. If you have already installed Windows 10, skip to 8:40 in the video. (Caution - the author drops a few cuss words during this useful video.) (36 min. video) (2016-09)
Windows 10 disable spying  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, telemetry)

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