
Web Page Reviews - 2010 - December

Comprehensive government website geared to financial literacy. (2010-12)
Financial literacy  (keywords: Finances, personal)
A hands on banking course for adults with basic tools and info to manage money wisely, with vocal instruction. (2010-12)
Money course  (keywords: Finances, personal)
A Consumers Union website which highlights the persistent, shameless gaffes of modern consumerism, and the latest scams, rip offs, hot deals, and freebies. (2010-12)
Internet Accuracy Project "works to improve the accuracy of the reference sources we all rely on" while offering their own exhaustive collection of curious reference materials. (2010-12)
Internet Accuracy  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
Stereoscopic images. (2010-12)
Stereoscopic  (keywords: Photography, stereoscopic)
Collection of views of canyons, cities, islands, ruins, arctic, and more. Begin with the "archives" section. (2010-12)
Collection of 50 of the best NHL goals, with slow motion video accompanying most. (2010-12)
50 NHL goals  (keywords: Sports, hockey)
Photos of the Red Army during WWII. (2010-12)
Red Army WWII  (keywords: War, photography)
For puzzlers, this site supplies an unending source of links to sites for online puzzles and games. View the 'links' and 'archives' sections. (2010-12)
Create your own crossword puzzles with this downloadable tool. (2010-12)
Eclipse X-word  (keywords: Entertainment, online, gamesGames, crossword puzzles)
For word search addicts, this site presents a new puzzle each day. Or search among archived games. (2010-12)
Daily word search  (keywords: Entertainment, online, gamesGames, word)
Four thousand games to play online. Select from 'Featured', 'Popular', 'Latest' games, or from various categories. (2010-12)
4000 Arcade  (keywords: Entertainment, online, gamesGames, online)
Interactive map of European history, dating back to 900 BC. (2010-12)
A practical Unix/Linux/BSD commands with concise explanations. (2010-12)
Transportation museum contains examples of classic cars, carriages, bicycles, aircraft, and more. (2010-12)
A cavalcade of collective nouns. (2010-12)
Collective nouns  (keywords: Language, English)
Beyond the busy collection of microphones are radio station tours, early audio equipment catalogs, magazine ads, broadcasting histories, microphone history, stories of early radio, and more. (2010-12)
Mic collection  (keywords: Museum, radioTechnology, radio)
Just what it says. (2010-12)
Watch full episodes of ten US and British seasons of "Whose Line Is It Anyway" TV show. (2010-12)
Who's life  (keywords: Television, shows, general)
Graphical display of news headlines. Choose global region via the language buttons at the top and news category via buttons at the bottom. (2010-12)
How difficult can tossing crumpled up paper into a garbage can be? You'll see. (2010-12)
Crumpled paper  (keywords: Games, online)
You are in a room. It is crimson. You are locked in. How will you get out? (2010-12)
Game has only two buttons and they do the same thing. How simple can it be? (Pause game by clicking in the address bar.) (2010-12)
You are teleported to a surprise location using Google Earth, based on your continental choices. (2010-12)
Create a hip French acapella group by dragging the various sound icons from screen bottom to the characters above. (2010-12)
French acappella  (keywords: Games, onlineMusic, electronic)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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