Reference, general (40)

Try these free online reference and research tools. (2020-02)
Reference/research tools  (keywords: Reference, general)
Mix of educational resources, including math games, reference and research pages, word games, math problems, and brainteasers, for kids and adults. (2013-09)
Problem Site  (keywords: Reference, general)
Internet Accuracy Project "works to improve the accuracy of the reference sources we all rely on" while offering their own exhaustive collection of curious reference materials. (2010-12)
Internet Accuracy  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
View Oakland County Road Commission presentation regarding the shortfall of funding for road construction and repairs. Click on "Oakland's Road Problems". This affects anyone who drives in Oakland County. (2007-09)
Road Commission of Oakland County  (keywords: Reference, general)
Word Count presents the 86,800 most frequently used English words, ranked in order of commonality. (2004-11)
Word Count  (keywords: Reference, general)
University of California attempts to measure how much information is produced globally each year. Site offers charts, statistics, and data by media type. (2004-02)
Berkeley How-Much-Info  (keywords: Reference, general)
The Reverse Dictionary lets you describe a concept, whether a word, phrase, sentence or a question) and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. (2003-12)
One look - reverse dictionary  (keywords: Reference, general)
Mold, what it is, whether you have it, how to clean it, how to prevent it. (2003-11)
Mold tips  (keywords: Reference, general)
Currency converter, covering over 180 world currencies. (2003-10)
XE  (keywords: Reference, general)
Oakland County Road Commission site contains an interactive map of the county, indicating real time driving conditions and congestion status, with web cam pictures. Also, read up on current and future road construction/repair projects to avoid. (2003-10)
Road Commission of Oakland County  (keywords: Reference, general)
Do you own a yottabyte hard drive? How about a zettabyte? What's a neper? Or an astro unit? What's the true definition of a megabyte? You may be surprised! It's all at the National Institute of Standards and Technology's "Constants, Units and Uncertainty" site. (2003-04)
National Institute of Standards and Technology - units  (keywords: Government, generalReference, general)
Links to Breaking news, world news papers, articles, books, essays and opinions. This site will give you information on just about anything or the very least, it will link you to a page that will have the info you are looking for. (2003-03)
Al Daily  (keywords: Reference, general)
Are you trying to find information on the IRS or SSA or other departments of the Federal Government? This site has links to over 47 million pages with information from all three branches of the federal government. There is a tutorial for new users. You can download forms. You can even find out about consumer product recalls. (2003-01)
US Government's official web portal  (keywords: Government, generalReference, general)
This site has information about world information about geography, maps, currency, flags and a year by year history of what was happening between 1900 and 2001 are here. This site will also provide information on arts and entertainment, biographies, business, health and science, and sports for over 100 years. (2003-01)
Info please - world almanac  (keywords: Reference, general)
This site will keep you busy for hours. Collections of old newspaper ads, matchbook covers, really bad newspaper comics, pictures of old motels and diners, grotesque building sculptures, and more. (2002-12)
Lileks  (keywords: History, generalReference, general)
Check out rumors, inspirational stories, virus warnings, humorous tales, pleas for help, urban legends, prayer requests and calls to action to see if they are Truth or Fiction. (2002-12)
Truth or fiction  (keywords: Reference, general)
A useful site for beachcombers includes how to identify your fans, urchins and sponges, tips for cleaning and preserving, and ideas for displaying your finds. (2002-10)
Sea shells  (keywords: Reference, general)
How do I make out a will? How do I become a citizen? Get answers to these and many other legal questions about Accident Law, Family Law, Personal Injury and Tax Law. Just remember this is just a guild for information; contact an attorney as necessary. (2002-05)
Free advice  (keywords: Reference, general)
Do you do crossword puzzles, or are you having a hard time finding the right word for that letter you are writing? You can find words that rhyme, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, definitions and even words that match a pattern. (2002-03)
Rhyme zone  (keywords: Reference, general)
Did you just break that bowl that belongs to the set of dishes that you got for your wedding? Now what do you do? Don't give up. Check out replacements on the web. They have over 8 million pieces of china in 160,000 different patterns. They also have silver and crystal. (2002-03)
Replacements  (keywords: Home, generalReference, general)
Has your local school been closed due to a storm or is the library closed because of the recent wind storm? Find cancellations online at: (2002-03)
Cancellations  (keywords: Reference, general)
Free Answers provides a natural language interface for searching the support knowledge bases of Microsoft, Intuit and Adobe products. (2002-02)
Free answers  (keywords: Reference, general)
Internet error messages? CMTS? Country domain extensions? DSL? Data format extensions? Server types? Text message abbreviations? All the answers to your PC questions are at this online dictionary for computer and Internet technology. (2002-02)
Webopedia  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
The Megapenny Project puts a 'million' (and more) into perspective. By the way, how many is a 'novemtrigintillion? (2001-12)
Kokogiak - megapenny  (keywords: Reference, general)
Can't get it off? This site will supply you with a cleaning routine to remove all sorts of things from other things. (2001-04)
How to clean anything  (keywords: Reference, general)
Find Tutorials is a web index and search engine dedicated to bringing you the best of the web's tutorials and online courses. Some are free to use. (2001-04)
Find tutorials  (keywords: Reference, general)
Are you looking for help on how to do a special project around the house? Are you having problems with a computer program? Do you need help with your favorite hobby? Ehow might have the answer for you with over 15,000 solutions to various questions and problems. (2001-03)
E-how  (keywords: Reference, general)
All you wanted to know about monorails can be found here, including a description and photo of the world's oldest operating system. Is Detroit's People Mover really a monorail? The site's definition page explains. (2001-02)
Monorails  (keywords: Reference, generalTrains, general)
Better Business Bureau: At this site you can check information on a specific company, you can file a complaint, and even receive assistance in dispute resolution. (2001-01)
Better Business Bureau  (keywords: ConsumersReference, generalRetail)
The next time you are on vacation you may want to see how things are made. Check out factory tours for information on what you can see on the factory tours. (2001-01)
Factory tour  (keywords: Reference, general)
How does it work? This site provides articles, photos and diagrams that will help to explain some of the mysteries of the world, such as how does a gas turbine work or why do potatoes turn brown when cut. (2000-11)
How stuff works  (keywords: Reference, general)
A mish mash of information such as discussions of MP3, fonts, creating/animating/publicizing web sites, weird foods, a clever Cat Manual, and more. (2000-10)
Andreas  (keywords: Music, generalReference, general)
Several web sites assist consumers with complaints about products or services. Some will forward complaints to respective companies. (2000-06)
Better Business Bureau  (keywords: ConsumersReference, generalRetail)
You Get Heard  (keywords: Consumers)
Do you need legal advice? You can get information on over 100 topics that has been put together by over 25 law firms. Topics include such items as immigration, estate planning, insurance, and personal injury. (2000-05)
Free advice  (keywords: Reference, general)
Possibly the most valuable single knowledge site available, with numerous references and related site links. This one's definitely worth adding to your favorites/bookmarks list. (2000-04)
Ref desk  (keywords: Reference, general)
Gotta know the answer now? Just ask Jeeves. This site allows you to pose any question and get a prompt response. Great for kid's homework and competing to be a millionaire. (Site address has been shortened from (2000-04)
Ask  (keywords: Reference, general)
Do you know what Luhn formula or Dhrystone means? How about Intranet or Web casting? These sites will help you become technologically vocal. The second site also has an extensive guide to smiley's (emoticons). (2000-01)
Net lingo  (keywords: Reference, general)
Webopedia  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
"The fast and easy way to find out how to do just about anything...and get the stuff you need to do it." (2000-01)
E-how  (keywords: Reference, general)
Another health site? Yup, but you can research your most awkward questions with complete privacy. Answers are frank, comprehensive, and scrupulously researched. Go ask Alice: (1999-09)
Go Ask Alice  (keywords: Reference, general)
Not interested in history, but still rather inquisitive? Wonder how things work? Then this site is for you: (1999-05)
How stuff works  (keywords: Reference, general)

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