Internet, general (36)

A deep dive into the network of Wikipedia and some of the most interesting, bizarre, and unique articles on the web site. (20-min. video) (2024-06)
Network of Wikipedia  (keywords: Internet, general)
Who invented the Internet? How Belgium nearly invented the Internet in 1910. (7-min. video) (2023-12)
Who invented the Internet?  (keywords: Internet, general)
What's the difference? Here's a site that helps you compare...anything. (2023-09)
Compare anything  (keywords: Internet, generalShopping, general)
How to bypass Internet restrictions and blocks, and view any website. (2023-03)
Bypass Internet censorship  (keywords: Internet, general)
What is DHCP? How does it work? (2020-11)
What is DHCP?  (keywords: Internet, general)
How to take a screenshot of an entire webpage (that is, including the webpage parts that fall below the PC's screen). (2020-09)
Take screenshot of entire web page  (keywords: Internet, general)
How to bypass blocked sites and internet restrictions. (2019-09)
Bypass Internet censorship  (keywords: Internet, general)
We know that online entities such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon have "algorithms" that give us updates, search results, and product recommendations, but what does that actually mean? (2019-02)
What's an algorithm?  (keywords: Internet, general)
An infographic detailing the history of the Bitcoin crypto currency. (2017-12)
History of Bitcoin  (keywords: Internet, general)
The Internet in Real Time. Want to know what else happens in single second online? (2017-01)
Real time Internet  (keywords: Internet, general)
Is there a way to know where a URL-shortened URL is going to take me? (2016-11)
Shortened URL  (keywords: Internet, general)
Why web sites are moving away from Flash (and towards HTML5). (2016-05)
From Flash to HTML5  (keywords: Internet, general)
That's all there is. (2012-12)
That's all  (keywords: Internet, generalUseless)
Internet Accuracy Project "works to improve the accuracy of the reference sources we all rely on" while offering their own exhaustive collection of curious reference materials. (2010-12)
Internet Accuracy  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
McAfee's Internet Connection Speedometer. Are you getting the speed for which you are paying? (2004-06)
McAfee - internet speedometer  (keywords: Computers, helpInternet, general)
Enter the size of the file you want to download and discover the time required with various connections. Is there time for a pizza? (2003-10)
Martindale Center time calculator  (keywords: Internet, general)
For website builders. A warehouse full of site components, such as scripts, HTML editors, tutorials, graphics tools, backgrounds, clipart, hit counters...everything you need, and mostly free. (2002-12)
Really big  (keywords: Internet, general)
You can get a lot of great pictures, and a program to cycle these pictures for a screen saver, and wallpaper. You can also get new shots each day, or search their large library of pictures. (2002-12)
Web Shots  (keywords: Internet, general)
View old websites as far back as 1996, and old video clips, Computer Chronicles episodes, and a Macromedia software library. All free to access. Requires registration. (2002-12)
Internet archive  (keywords: Internet, general)
Do you ever get a message "file not found"? At Archive you will be able to check for web pages back as far as the early days of 1996. The database is over 100 terabytes. This can be compared to the Library of Congress with a meager 20 terabytes. It has special collections of September 11 pages and there are hundreds of television broadcasts. There is also the Prelinger Archives which features more than 900 industrial, educational and government films that date back as 1903. (2002-11)
Internet archive  (keywords: Internet, general)
Internet error messages? CMTS? Country domain extensions? DSL? Data format extensions? Server types? Text message abbreviations? All the answers to your PC questions are at this online dictionary for computer and Internet technology. (2002-02)
Webopedia  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
A large collection of tips, tweaks, FAQs, patches, tutorials, equipment reviews and discussion boards for broadband users in the interest of increasing and improving broadband performance. (2001-12)
Speed guide  (keywords: Internet, general)
Are you not sure if the free software you are about to download is in fact a so called Spyware or Adware or otherwise advertising enhanced product that installs additional third party components on your system? This site can help you find out. (2001-10)
Spy checker  (keywords: Internet, general)
This site is "guaranteed to fascinate your mind with pictures, quotes, interactive games, and much more." Puzzling. Baffling. Perplexing. Bewildering. Hours of entertainment. (2001-06)
Confused online  (keywords: Internet, general)
Select portions of content from a variety of your favorite Web sites and have one of these sites pull it all together in one dynamic browser page for you. Requires that you download their individual utility. (2001-02)
Snippets  (keywords: Internet, general)
Need an extra email account to help dodge spam? The Free Email Providers Guide lists more than 1300 providers around the globe with their individual option offerings. Also search for other free services, including ISPs, fax, and voice mail. (2000-12)
Free Email Provider Guide  (keywords: Internet, general)
Learn where the speed traps are before you start out on that long trip. Site includes both the U.S. and abroad. However, the information might not always be the most current. (2000-11)
Speed trap  (keywords: Internet, general)
FastWeb will match you up with both well known and obscure college scholarship programs based on your personal criteria (do you have a distant Civil War relative, or were you once a golf caddy?). (2000-06)
Fast web  (keywords: Internet, general)
New to the cable modem or DSL experience or just investigating the possibility? These sites offer info for newbies, local broadband service searching, speed tweaks, and some security checks you can run on your system. How really safe is your connection? (2000-06)
DSL Reports  (keywords: Computers, generalInternet, general)
GRC speed test  (keywords: Internet, security)
These PC performance resources form an extensive database of information, providing both the novice and the technically advanced reader with a better understanding. It also has tools for optimizing, troubleshooting and customizing of your system, such as Internet performance adjustments, Windows tweaks, over clocking guides, and more. (2000-04)
Speed guide  (keywords: Internet, general)
How is your wallpaper? Does your wallpaper need a change? I have just the spot with thousands of different pictures: scenic, wild animals, cats and kittens, dogs and puppies, snow sports, golf, fly fishing, 3D art, religious, people, etc. What do you like? They will probably have it for you to use for your wallpaper or screen saver. (2000-03)
Web Shots  (keywords: Internet, general)
Is broadband for you? These sites present providers and prices of high speed Internet access in your area. View info about relative merits of DSL and cable, tips for best service, hardware descriptions, and availability to your location and costs. (2000-02)
Speed guide  (keywords: Internet, general)
DSL Reports  (keywords: Computers, generalInternet, general)
Do you know what Luhn formula or Dhrystone means? How about Intranet or Web casting? These sites will help you become technologically vocal. The second site also has an extensive guide to smiley's (emoticons). (2000-01)
Net lingo  (keywords: Reference, general)
Webopedia  (keywords: Internet, generalReference, general)
Bonanza! We hit pay dirt! Here's a sizable list of kid friendly web sites. From preschoolers to interest in science, math, sports, and outdoor fun. This web page is from the Detroit News 8/21/1999 issue. Since the News has a history of occasionally charging to see back issues online, check the second site (the News mentions it as their source). That site lists 100 kid friendly and parent friendly sites. Turn off the TV and log in: (1999-09)
Detroit News kid sites  (keywords: Children, generalLocal, Detroit, generalNewspapers, general)
Net Mom  (keywords: Internet, general)
Do you know what VRML is? I didn't until I visited this site. I won't spoil it for ya. Very entertaining. Select the VRML button. Takes a little time to load, so it's not for slow PC's. Be sure to download/install the VRML plug in before selecting the displayed graphics. (1999-06)
Content Creator  (keywords: Internet, general)
Are you paying too much for your Internet access? NetZero is a fast growing Net access provider that has attracted over half a million subscribers since its mid October 1998 launch. NetZero is free for very basic service. All you have to do is tolerate commercials on your desktop to help cover Net Zero's costs. (1999-06)
Net zero  (keywords: Internet, general)

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