
Web Page Reviews - 2014 - April

Guide to classic cameras with pictures and descriptions. (2014-04)
Classic cameras  (keywords: Photography, cameras)
Create screen shots of a selected region, window or full screen. You can even capture complete (scrolling) web pages from Internet Explorer , highlight or hide selected areas; and more options. (2014-04)
Greenshot  (keywords: Software, screen capture)
Modern guide to movies, news, reviews, and more. (2014-04)
Total film  (keywords: Movies, reviews)
Inside the Army's spectacular hidden treasure room at Fort Belvoir in Virginia. (2014-04)
Army treasures  (keywords: Museum, military)
Watch a cruise ship get cut in half, and then stretched another 99 feet in length. (2014-04)
A 240 year old doll that can write, a clockwork creation by a Swiss watchmaker. (2014-04)
Computer doll  (keywords: Computers, mechanical)
Large collection of free audio, video, and document conversion tools and utilities. (2014-04)
Convertion tools  (keywords: Software, conversion)
Everything owls; species, physiology, calls and sounds, behavior, hatching, and more. (2014-04)
Stories, pictures, and videos of various U.S and world wars. (2014-04)
War history  (keywords: War, general)
MyLanViewer monitors all devices (even hidden) on your home network. Is a neighbor hijacking your Wi-Fi? (2014-04)
Fifteen things to do with an old computer. (2014-04)
Old PC  (keywords: Computers, reuse)
A great tool collection for troubleshooting ailing PCs (download ISO file and burn to a CD to use). (2014-04)
Ult boot cd  (keywords: Software, troubleshooting)
Browser add on to block over 1900 beacons, advertisers, analytics services, and page gadgets which snoop on your web surfing (available for various browsers). (2014-04)
Ghostery  (keywords: Software, security)
A time line of the automobile industry from 1852-2010. (2014-04)
Car time line  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Browser add on to reduce quantity of web page ads (available for various browsers): (2014-04)
AdBlockPlus  (keywords: Software, security)
A revealing look at bullets precisely split in half. (2014-04)
Half bullets  (keywords: Firearms)
Great file search tool; "Everything" locates files and folders by name instantly. (2014-04)
Everything tool  (keywords: Software, file search)
Tips and ideas designed specifically for users of Excel 2007, Excel 2010, and Excel 2013. (2014-04)
Ribbon tips  (keywords: Office suites, Excel)
Free speed reading bookmarklet; press the bookmarklet, pick a reading speed, and start reading. (2014-04)
Take the guesswork out of removing unwanted PC programs. Purge your PC of program clutter. (2014-04)
Should I Remove It  (keywords: Software, cleanup)
What settings should I change on my Wi-Fi router? (2014-04)
Router settings  (keywords: Computers, hardware, router)
The best way to explain how to choose a good password is to explain how they're broken. You need a strategy. Here are some tips you can use now. (2014-04)
Password tips  (keywords: Computers, security)
Just a depressed web server. (2014-04)
invalid URL removed
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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