
Web Page Reviews - 2020 - June

How to test a suspicious link without clicking it. (2020-06)
Test suspicious links  (keywords: Internet, browsing, general)
Features and functionality removed in Windows 10 (so far). This web page is updated as Microsoft deems appropriate. (2020-06)
Features removed from Windows 10  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, featuresWindows, Windows 10, updates)
Secure email services for privacy concerned people. (Some, but not all, are free services). (2020-06)
Secure private email services  (keywords: Email, general)
What's the difference between "sleep" and "hibernate" in Windows? (2020-06)
Sleep vs. hibernate in Windows  (keywords: Windows, features)
Good webcams can be hard to find. Fortunately, you can use many digital cameras as makeshift webcams. (2020-06)
Use digital camera as webcam  (keywords: Internet, camera)
How to increase your Windows laptop's battery life. (2020-06)
Increase laptop battery life  (keywords: Computers, hardware, battery)
Cable clutter is the scourge of the modern computer desk. Here are five ways to clean it up. (2020-06)
Cable clutter  (keywords: Computers, cables)
What is a PDF file and why do we still rely on them? (2020-06)
What is a PDF file?  (keywords: Software, file formats)
How to get colored window title bars on Windows 10 (instead of the usual dull white). (2020-06)
Colored Windows 10 title bars  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, features)
How to disable Microsoft's occasional large blue "Get even more out of Windows" pop-up window on Windows 10. (2020-06)
Disable "Get even more out of Windows" pop-up  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, features)
How to create an Internet favorite or bookmark in various web browsers and on Android/Apple devices. (2020-06)
Create browser favorite/bookmark  (keywords: Internet, browser, general)
The goal of the Eelo project is to remove all Google services from Android to give you an alternate mobile operating system that doesn't track you and invade your privacy. Clearly, there is a demand for something different than the Apple-Google worldwide market duopoly on mobile devices. (2020-06)
Remove all Google services from Android  (keywords: Android, generalInternet, Google)
Argon One case moves all Raspberry Pi 4 ports to the back for proper cable management. (2020-06)
Argon One case for Raspberry Pi 4  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry Pi)
A traveling geek couple offers videos, blog articles and tutorials on many PC and cellphone topics (free and paid content). (2020-06)
Geeks on tour  (keywords: Blogs)
Three ways to create bootable Linux Ubuntu USB startup disk. (2020-06)
Create bootable Linux Ubuntu USB startup disk  (keywords: Linux, Ubuntu)
How much RAM do you really need? (If shopping for a new Windows PC, do not accept less than 8GB. Consider upgrading your old PC to 8GB of RAM if the PC accepts that much.) (2020-06)
How much RAM?  (keywords: Computers, hardware, RAM)
How to edit photos with free FastStone Image Viewer. Web site also has downloadable User Guide ("tutorial"). (2020-06)
FastStone Image Viewer  (keywords: Photography, software)
PIXresizer is a free tool designed to make very simple changes to your photos before posting, viewing or sending them online. (For Windows only.) (2020-06)
PIXresizer  (keywords: Photography, software)
How to check if your VPN connection is actually encrypted. They all tell us that it is, but... . (2020-06)
Is your VPN encrypted?  (keywords: Security, VPN)
USB flash drive vs. external HDD and SSD: Which is best for you? If anything digital is important to you, it should be stored in TWO places: on your computing device and on a separate storage device or even on two separate storage devices. (2020-06)
Flash drive vx. HDD vs. SSD  (keywords: Computers, hardware, SSDComputers, hardware, flash driveComputers, hardware, hard drive)
Google Maps (just one of many online mapping services) has lots of hidden navigation, geospatial search, and customization tools. Here is a list of 44 of them. (2020-06)
Google Maps tools  (keywords: Internet, mapping)
Save yourself some time behind the wheel and check out these traffic apps that are ready to guide you quickly to your destination. (2020-06)
Traffic apps  (keywords: Automotive, roadways)
Next for Windows 10: What to expect from the version 2004 update (released in May 2020). (2020-06)
Windows 10 ver. 2004 Update  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, updates)
How to skip the Login Screen in Windows 10. (2020-06)
Skip Windows 10 Login screen  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, features)
Viruses, Trojans, and other malicious programs attack your OS and your apps. With phishing attacks, the target is you, the user. Here's how to protect your personal information and avoid phishing scams. (2020-06)
Avoid phishing scams 2  (keywords: Security, phishing)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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