
Web Page Reviews - 2021 - May

Download free detailed user manuals for each of the programs in the free LibreOffice suite. (2021-05)
LibreOffice manuals  (keywords: Office suites, LibreOffice)
It's not easy to be anonymous on the Internet. Here's how you can stay hidden even on email, with an anonymous email account. (2021-05)
Anonymous on the web  (keywords: Internet, security)
The many faces of malware: A tour of real-world samples. Watch the short 3-min. video. (Note: LastPass has been breached at least 3 times in 10 years and should be avoided.) (2021-05)
Faces of malware  (keywords: Security, malware)
Cookies can be a good thing at times but they can also track you. Take control of a tiny bit of your online privacy by blocking and deleting most of them and allowing only cookies that you choose to keep. (2021-05)
Taking control of cookies  (keywords: Internet, cookies)
Ways to free up storage space in your Gmail account. (2021-05)
Free-up Gmail storage  (keywords: Email, Gmail)
7 ways to kill unresponsive programs in Linux. (2021-05)
Unresponsive programs in Linux  (keywords: Linux, diagnostics)
Many web surfers are irritated by the need for two-factor authentication (2FA) login codes but they are the necessary future of online security. Don't let scammers get their hands on your sensitive information. Here's how to secure your online accounts with 2FA. (2021-05)
2 Factor Authentication  (keywords: Security, multi-factor authentication)
A bootable antivirus can help you out when traditional antivirus software isn't an option. Find out about the best free bootable antivirus tools currently available. (2021-05)
Bootable anti-virus tools  (keywords: Windows, troubleshooting)
How strong is your password? Enter it here and find out. (2021-05)
How strong is your password?  (keywords: Security, password, general)
How to change the tracking speed for a trackpad or mouse on a Mac computer. (2021-05)
Tracking speed on Mac  (keywords: Apple, Mac)
How to fix screen flickering in Windows 10. (2021-05)
Fix Windows 10 screen flickering  (keywords: Windows, troubleshooting)
If you're having issues with your Wi-Fi connection; the strength of your Wi-Fi signal may be poor. Here are simple ways to check it. (2021-05)
Check Windows 10 wi-fi signal  (keywords: Windows, troubleshooting)
Wi-Fi devices are set to become object sensors by 2024 under the planned 802.11bf standard and a malicious eavesdropper could easily track a user's activity without authorization. Serious security must get built into this standard! (2021-05)
Wi-fi devices as object sensors by 2024  (keywords: Internet, wi-fi)
New advanced Android malware posing as "System Update" steals various types of personal info from the phone. (2021-05)
"System Update" Android malware  (keywords: Android, security)
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