Computers, power (5)

Which Is Better: Shutting Off Your PC or Putting It to Sleep? (2022-12)
PC shutdown vs. sleep  (keywords: Computers, powerWindows, power off)
Why "long-pressing" the power button could damage your system (2021-11)
Long-pressing PC's power button  (keywords: Computers, power)
Find power hogs on your laptop with Windows Task Manager. (2021-04)
Laptop power hogs on Windows laptops  (keywords: Computers, powerWindows, Task Manager)
How much energy does your PC use? (And 8 ways to cut It down.) (2020-12)
Computer energy use  (keywords: Computers, power)
Should you leave your computer on or off? A continuing debate topic. (2017-11)
Computer: leave on or off?  (keywords: Computers, power)

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