
Web Page Reviews - 2021 - November

38 popular text shortcuts and Internet slang terms to know. (2021-11)
Texting and Internet slang terms  (keywords: Internet, languageLanguage, generalPhones, general)
What happens if you don't shut down your computer properly? (6-min. video, but ignore the long ad at the end) (2021-11)
Shut down PC properly  (keywords: Windows, power off)
Find organized and advertised book sales in your vicinity. (2021-11)
Find book sales in your area  (keywords: Books, general)
Tutorial shows you how to install Ubuntu Desktop on a Raspberry Pi 4 device. (2021-11)
Install Ubuntu on Raspberry PI 4 device  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry PiLinux, Ubuntu)
Difference between apt and apt-get commands of Linux. Also lists some of the most commonly used apt commands that replace the older apt-get commands. (2021-11)
Linux commancs apt vs. apt-get  (keywords: Linux, command line)
Dark Web Price Index 2021 - understand what your personal information is worth and why you should protect it. (2021-11)
Dark Web price index 2021  (keywords: Internet, Dark Web)
It's important to understand how to manage directories in your OS. If you're new to Linux, this article shows how to delete a directory. (2021-11)
Delete a Linux directory  (keywords: Linux, general)
Why "long-pressing" the power button could damage your system (2021-11)
Long-pressing PC's power button  (keywords: Computers, power)
Have you seen the TV ads for the "Robokiller" phone app? Here is a luke-warm review of this robo-call killing service. (2021-11)
"Robokiller" phone app review  (keywords: Phones, general)
When does cable-length matter? (6-min. video -- ignore the long ad at the end) (2021-11)
Does cable length matter?  (keywords: Computers, cables)
How much Is your hacked info worth on the Dark Web? (2021-11)
Your hacked worth on the Dark Web  (keywords: Internet, Dark Web)
Running a train in the Linux terminal to amuse your friends/family. (2021-11)
Running a train in Linux terminal  (keywords: Linux, general)
Why does YouTube have ads? 5 ways to block them! (2021-11)
Blocking YouTube ads  (keywords: Internet, YoutubeInternet, blocking ads)
In 2018, Spotify filed a patent that would essentially allow it to make music suggestions to you based on your emotional state, gender, age, social setting, or even accent. It was approved in January 2021. What does this mean for you? What info does Spotify collect about you? (2021-11)
What does Spotify collect about its users?  (keywords: Security, InternetSecurity, apps)
How does CAPTCHA really work? Also learn how Google's version measures how you use your mouse! (7-min. video, but ignore the long ad at the end) (2021-11)
How does CAPTCHA really work?  (keywords: Security, captchas)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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