Linux, training (10)

Understanding the Linux operating system - a four-part illustrated tutorial. (2021-04)
Understanding Linux  (keywords: Linux, training)
This tutorial is an absolute beginner's guide to Linux. Introduction, installation, comparisons to Windows users and file systems, and more, using easily digested explanations, graphics, and videos. (2018-05)
Linux from scratch  (keywords: Linux, training)
A unique approach to learning Linux from scratch, with numerous charts, graphics, links, and videos. (2018-03)
Linux from scratch  (keywords: Linux, training)
Beginner's course about one of the concepts that newcomers to Linux find different, the file system in Linux (how data is stored and managed). (2018-03)
Linux file system  (keywords: Linux, training)
In Linux, everything is a file. (A Linux Beginner tutorial.) (2018-03)
Linux files for beginners  (keywords: Linux, training)
How to get started with Linux: a beginner's guide. (2017-11)
Linux beginner's guide 2  (keywords: Linux, training)
Linux desktop operating system: A beginner's guide. (2017-06)
Linux beginner's guide  (keywords: Linux, training)
Free tutorial designed for people who have little or no experience with the Linux operating system. (2017-04)
Linux tutorial  (keywords: Linux, training)
Start learning Linux in minutes with this extensive beginner's guide. (2017-01)
Learn Linux  (keywords: Linux, training)
Eli the Computer Guy offers over 200 instructional videos on topics like Linux/Open Source, Hacking, Security, Networking, PC Repair, Web Design, Servers, Data Recovery, and more. (2013-02)
Eli PC Guy  (keywords: Linux, trainingSoftware, training)

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