Plants, general (4)

Browse 1,113,000 global plant names, 65,800 detailed descriptions, and 191,400 images in Kew Gardens' Plants of the World database, one of the world's largest botanical collections. (2019-11)
Plants of the world  (keywords: Plants, general)
Use this USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to determine which plants will grow well in your region. Click on your state or enter your zip code. (2012-09)
Plant hardiness  (keywords: Gardening, generalPlants, general)
No need to purchase anything here to learn about care and choosing of plants, soil terminology, flower container recipes, and more gardening info. Select "Gardening Info" or "Container Recipes". (2009-06)
Gardening Info  (keywords: Gardening, generalPlants, general)
Search or browse for plant and flower profiles by color or plant type. (2008-06)
Plant Wire  (keywords: Plants, general)

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