
Web Page Reviews - 2015 - December

Don't fall victim to keyloggers: use these important anti-keylogger tools. (2015-12)
Keylogger  (keywords: Security, keylogger)
Motherboard BIOS firmware update can trigger Windows 10 Inactive. (2015-12)
BIOS firmware  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
From start to finish, inside a PayPal Phishing scam. (2015-12)
PayPal scam  (keywords: Security, shoppingShopping, general)
Starting in 2016, Windows 10 will automatically download itself onto some computers. Peruse your Windows updates before allowing them to install on your PC, so that you know what MS is installing onto it. (2015-12)
Windows 10 updates  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Windows 10 updates video  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Six mandatory steps for a safe upgrade to Windows 10. (2015-12)
Safe Windows 10 upgrade  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Meet the Ubuntu family; brief descriptions of nine Ubuntu Operating Systems. (2015-12)
Ubuntu family  (keywords: Linux, Ubuntu)
What you should know about Facebook's searchable public posts. (2015-12)
Facebook public posts  (keywords: Security, Facebook)
Five reasons why Windows 10 might make you switch to Linux. (2015-12)
Windows 10 vs. Linux  (keywords: Linux, general)
Google is secretly recording your voice: here's how to make them stop. (2015-12)
Google recordings  (keywords: Security, Google)
Windows 10 Start Menu Search not working? Here's the fix. (2015-12)
Windows 10 Start Menu Search  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
How to run Disk Check in Windows 7 to check a selected hard disk for file system errors and bad sectors. (2015-12)
Disk Check  (keywords: Windows, Windows 7, general)
Linux application "TimeShift" provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS. (2015-12)
TimeShift  (keywords: Linux, general)
TimeShift video  (keywords: Linux, general)
Five factors that could affect your browser speed. (2015-12)
Browser speed  (keywords: Internet, browser, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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