
Web Page Reviews - 2016 - January

35 ways to declutter in 51 seconds. Oh-oh, this is really going to hurt! (2016-01)
invalid URL removed
Collection of 16 'best free PC games'. Some require the free Steam Entertainment Platform installed (for Windows, Mac, and Linux). (2016-01)
16 free games  (keywords: Games, general)
Gaping security hole in many Dell computers. Be sure yours is patched. (2016-01)
Dell security hole  (keywords: Security, Dell computers)
How to update the firmware of any device in 5 steps. (2016-01)
Updating firmware  (keywords: Computers, firmware)
New Ransomware steals passwords. (2016-01)
If you regularly use Google services, then you will definitely want to know what it knows about you, to customize or delete information. (2016-01)
What Google knows about you  (keywords: Security, Google)
How to turn off telemetry in Windows 7, 8, and Windows 10. (2016-01)
How does Twitter work anyway? (2016-01)
How does Twitter work?  (keywords: Internet, Twitter)
Fixing some common Facebook issues. (2016-01)
Common Facebook issues  (keywords: Facebook)
Every pet needs an iPad. (2016-01)
Pets and iPads  (keywords: Animals, technology)
iPads and pets  (keywords: Animals, technology)
How to fix Windows 10's worst problems. (2 parts) (2016-01)
Windows 10 problems part1  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Windows 10 problems part2  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Download Windows 10 with the November (2015) Update and create your own installation media. (2016-01)
Windows 10 Nov 2015 update  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Four ways to protect yourself against keyloggers. (2016-01)
Keylogger protection  (keywords: Security, keylogger)
Seven things to do after installing Ubuntu. (2016-01)
After installing Ubuntu  (keywords: Linux, Ubuntu)
Hidden tips and tweaks for Windows 10. (2016-01)
Windows 10 tips & tweaks  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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