
Web Page Reviews - 2018 - December

You agreed to be tracked, but how much info is Google getting from your phone? You'll be surprised. (5-min. video) (2018-12)
Tracking by Google  (keywords: Security, Google)
Ultimate guide to bird watching (about birds, how to start watching, bird identification, bird feeders, and more). (2018-12)
Bird watching  (keywords: Birds)
How to prioritize Wi-Fi networks on your Android phone. (2018-12)
Wi-Fi networks on Android  (keywords: Android, general)
Know your CATs! Demystifying Ethernet cable types, difference between Cat 5e, Cat 6, and Cat 7. (2018-12)
Ethernet cable types  (keywords: Computers, cables)
Our power infrastructure keeps getting older, and brown and black outs occur more frequently, causing significant (and often invisible) damage to your delicate electronic toys (computers, monitors, TVs, audio amps and receivers, etc.). Here are tips to selecting an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), to help those devices last longer. (2018-12)
Selecting a UPS  (keywords: Computers, UPS)
How to download (and correct or delete) your personal data from Apple. (2018-12)
Delete personal data from Apple  (keywords: Security, Apple)
System Restore Points are a VERY useful tool for correcting problems that pop on a Windows PC and having multiple Restore Points are a valuable asset. They all take up hard drive space, so you CAN selectively delete System Restore Points, but consider their individual value before doing so. (2018-12)
Delete System Restore Points  (keywords: Windows, features)
It can be useful to be able to copy and paste text into the command prompt window in Windows systems. Here's how to do it in Windows 7/10. (2018-12)
Copy and paste in command window  (keywords: Windows, command line)
Five free media players for Windows. (2018-12)
Media Player alternatives  (keywords: Windows, Media Player)
Turn the light on and give me your passwords! Just one example of spyware masquerading as a useful app. Use extreme caution when adding apps and use a reputable mobile security solution to protect your device from the latest threats. (2018-12)
Apps as spyware  (keywords: Security, apps)
Has your Facebook account been hacked? Here's how to tell (and fix it). (2018-12)
Hacked Facebook account  (keywords: Security, Facebook)
Protect your Facebook account from hackers. (2018-12)
Protect Facebook account  (keywords: Security, Facebook)
Know the words of your favorite tunes so you can sing along. Search by artist, album, or song. (2018-12)
Song lyrics  (keywords: Music, lyrics)
What is a "Banking Trojan" and how do you stay safe from them? (2018-12)
Banking Trojan  (keywords: Security, banking)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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