
Web Page Reviews - 2020 - January

Select from thousands of magazines from 26 countries to download for free in PDF format. Many popular titles as well as more obscure ones. Search by topic, month/year, title, or country. (If you get a timeout error message when attempting to get an issue, refresh the web page, or go back and select the document again, it should be successful.) (2020-01)
Read magazines online for free  (keywords: Magazines)
Offline no-WiFi radio apps for your phone. (2020-01)
Listen to radio on your phone  (keywords: Phones, general)
If you ever see odd things happening to your PC, you might have a well-rooted malware infection. Having some of these rescue tools available on CDs or DVDs makes a lot of sense. (2020-01)
Anti-virus rescue disks  (keywords: Windows, securityWindows, troubleshooting)
Three ways to fix Windows 10 password problems: PINs, passwords, and local accounts. (2020-01)
Fix Windows 10 password problems  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, security)
Some free and easy things you can do to dramatically reduce the number of robocalls you receive. (2020-01)
Reducing robocalls  (keywords: Phones, telemarketer)
Is your charging cable killing your phone? (2020-01)
Charging cable killing your phone?  (keywords: Phones, general)
What happens to Amazon returns? (2020-01)
Amazon returns  (keywords: Shopping, general)
How Microsoft made it harder to create Windows 10 local accounts, but you still can do so. (2020-01)
Creating Windows 10 local accounts  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, features)
How to clear cookies in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE, Opera and Safari. Do it often to reduce tracking of your Internet travels. (2020-01)
Clearing cookies in browsers  (keywords: Internet, browser, general)
If you are using Avast anti-virus products (for example, Avast Online Security or Avast Security Browser), be aware of the privacy concerns raised in this article, which indicates that you are likely being spied upon. (2020-01)
Are Avast products spying?  (keywords: Security, software)
Do you have unclaimed money waiting? (2020-01)
Unclaimed money  (keywords: Finances, general)
Your processor can handle billions of cycles a second, but it often spends a lot of time waiting for your drive to feed it data. To get optimal performance, you should get a good solid state drive (SSD). Here's how to choose the right SSD. (2020-01)
Choosing an SSD  (keywords: Computers, hardware, SSD)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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