
Web Page Reviews - 2024 - March

All of the 8,331 license plates in America. (2024-03)
License plates in U.S.A.  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Turn off OneDrive in Windows if you don't use it. (2024-03)
Turn off OneDrive in Windows  (keywords: Windows, OneDrive)
Do not put your iPhone in rice, says Apple, if it gets wet. (2024-03)
Don't put wet iPhone in rice  (keywords: Apple, iPhone)
This game shows you a photo from history, and you have to guess when and where it was taken. (2024-03)
Guess year/location of historical photo  (keywords: Games, online)
Are blueberries blue? The answer Is surprisingly complicated. (2024-03)
Color of blueberries  (keywords: Food, general)
The style guide for America's highways: The manual on Uniform Traffic Control devices. (2024-03)
Style guide for America's highwys.  (keywords: Automotive, roadways)
When Classics Crash - The dangerous side of old elegant classic American vehicles. (8-min. video) (2024-03)
Crashed classic American vehicles  (keywords: Automotive, general)
What's Do Not Track, and how do you enable it on your Windows 11 web browser? (2024-03)
What is 'Do Not Track' in Windows?  (keywords: Windows, security)
14 features you should disable on Windows 11. (2024-03)
Features to disable on Windows 11  (keywords: Windows, Windows 11, features)
How to factory reset a Mac computer. (2024-03)
Factory reset a Mac  (keywords: Apple, Mac)
Find out what keyboard shortcuts do in up to 101 different applications and operating systems. (2024-03)
Keyboard shortcuts in apps and OS's  (keywords: Computers, keyboardWindows, keyboard)
You don't need a Product Key to install and use Windows 10. (2024-03)
Install/use Windows 10 without Product Key  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
45 creative Easter Egg ideas to display this Spring. (2024-03)
Easter Egg ideas  (keywords: Holidays, Easter)
Watch lots of family-friendly comedy on the Dry Bar Comedy YouTube Channel. (2024-03)
Dry Bar Comedy Channel on YouTube  (keywords: Humor, general)
Brief history of the United States' accents and dialects. (2024-03)
U.S. accents and dialects  (keywords: Language, general)
The fake (and real) history of potato chips. (18-min. video) (2024-03)
History of potato chips  (keywords: Food, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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