Food, general (35)

You eat pasta, and you love pasta. But have you ever wondered just how your favorite pasta shapes came to be? Surprising origins of 15 pasta shapes. (2024-04)
Origins of 15 pasta shapes  (keywords: Food, general)
Tastes like chicken? Think again - edible ants have distinctive flavor profiles. (2024-04)
Edible ants  (keywords: Bugs, generalFood, general)
Take 360-degree field tours that highlight three Detroit urban farms. See what's growing in the city. (2024-04)
Field tours of Detroit urban farms  (keywords: Food, generalLocal, Detroit, general)
The fake (and real) history of potato chips. (18-min. video) (2024-03)
History of potato chips  (keywords: Food, general)
Are blueberries blue? The answer Is surprisingly complicated. (2024-03)
Color of blueberries  (keywords: Food, general)
Track the price of a Big Mac at every McDonald's location across the U.S. (All prices correct at time of retrieval.) (2024-02)
Track the price of a Big Mac  (keywords: Food, general)
Why Coke at McDonald's tastes different. (12-min, video) (2024-01)
Why McDonalds' Coke tastes different  (keywords: Food, general)
Why tiny cactus bugs in red food dye are a $35 billion industry. (14-min. video) (2023-03)
Tiny cactus bugs in red food dye  (keywords: Food, general)
Why are M&Ms called M&Ms? (2022-11)
Why are M&Ms called M&Ms?  (keywords: Food, general)
Gallery of Regrettable Food. A collection of poorly photographed foodstuffs and horrid recipes from the 40s to 70s. (2022-05)
Regrettable food  (keywords: Food, generalPhotography, food)
Detroit's salt mine: City beneath the city. (36 photos). (2020-03)
Detroit's salt mine  (keywords: Food, generalLocal, Detroit, history)
Sausage making is a lot of fun. It's pretty easy, too, as long as you've got the basics down. Here they are. (2019-10)
Making sausage  (keywords: Food, general)
Entertaining videos, original stories, tested recipes, and in depth discussions, all about restaurants, cooking, and more. (2012-11)
About cooking  (keywords: Food, general)
All about salt: history, health, cooking, types, bath, and other uses. Select "Salt Info". (2009-02)
Salt works  (keywords: Food, general)
What does 200 calories look like? (2007-02)
200 Calories  (keywords: Food, generalHealth, general)
International Federation of Competitive Eating - contest schedules, winners, and records. At home training, not recommended. (2006-06)
Competitive eating  (keywords: CuriosityFood, general)
Super sized food from around the world. Hungry? (2006-05)
Super sizing  (keywords: Food, generalHealth, general)
Hundreds of fact sheets, bulletins, educational materials - lawn, garden, pests, food prep and safety, nutrition, home mgmt, financial mgmt, stain removal, fitness, dieting, much more. (2006-04)
Miss fact sheets  (keywords: Bugs, controlFood, generalHealth, generalInvesting)
Discover cheeses by name, country, texture, and milk. Vegetarian, too. Facts, recipes, news, and uses. (2006-03)
Cheeses  (keywords: Food, general)
Recipes (healthy and not so) and cooking tips, culinary dictionary, histories of various foods, herbs/spices, food safety, and more. (2005-05)
What's Cooking America  (keywords: Cooking, generalFood, general)
Gallery of Regrettable Food - vintage cookbook covers, pictures, ads, and oddities; savory horrors from the past. (2005-05)
Gallery of Regrettable Food  (keywords: Cooking, generalEntertainment, generalFood, general)
The Iconoweb Coffee Cantata - view the humorous "Coffee Taglines and Quotations". (2005-01)
Iconoweb Coffee Cantata  (keywords: Food, generalHumor, general)
This Greek site offers a multitude of Mediterranean cuisine and drink recipes. (2004-09)
Gourmed  (keywords: Drinks, generalFood, general)
The International Edible Book Festival photo gallery. Select "each year" and "photo albums" links for additional delicacies. (2004-05)
International edible book festival gallery  (keywords: Food, general)
These sites contain food and beverage recipes that mimic productions from well and lesser known restaurants and food manufacturers. (2003-10)
Copy Kat  (keywords: Food, general)
Top secret recipes  (keywords: Cooking, general)
Over 16,000 recipes can be searched by ingredient, course, preparation method, and nutrition. With food/drink/wine dictionaries, wine guide, fancy dishes slideshows, and more. (2003-09)
Epicurious  (keywords: Food, general)
MM good. If you are looking for some recipes using Campbell's soup, check out the Campbell's soup site. You can find recipes for cheese bread, chili, Italian chicken, Deli Sandwich, and hundreds more. (2003-05)
Campbell Soup  (keywords: Food, general)
You can find cooking tips and delicious meals at the Swanson web site. You can receive a weekly newsletter with recipes and cooking and entertainment tips. There is also a recipe box where you can store your new recipes. (2003-05)
Swanson Broth  (keywords: Food, general)
These people collect your grocery lists and post them. Is yours on this list? (2003-04)
Keaggy - grocery lists  (keywords: Food, general)
Fast Food Junkies unite! Find the fast food restaurants in your city, compare menus and nutritional info (not exactly unbiased, though) and then discuss/debate them in the site forums. (2002-12)
Fast food source  (keywords: Food, general)
It will soon be turkey time. If you are looking for a different way to prepare your turkey feast or just need help making the meal just a little better, Butterball, the turkey people, have some helpful ideas. (2001-11)
Butterball turkeys  (keywords: Cooking, generalFood, general)
"Man cannot live by bread alone. He must have peanut butter." It's all here, history, health, and p. b. heaven. (2000-10)
Peanut butter lovers  (keywords: Food, general)
Are you planning a party? I have just the spot to order those gourmet items such as Macadamia Chicken Tenders, lobster strudel triangles, and beef Wellington. Some what pricey, though. (1999-12)
Holiday foods  (keywords: Cooking, generalFood, general)
Store your favorite recipes in your very own recipe box. This box is provided at the Kraft web site. Find other things like recipe of the day, simple meal planner, tips of the day, cooking using what is in the house, and recipes by email. (1999-11)
Kraft Foods  (keywords: Cooking, generalFood, general)
Have you ever picked up Bon Appetite or Gourmet magazine? If you have you know the exciting foods they have. You can check out over 9,000 of their recipes online at: (1999-11)
Epicurious  (keywords: Food, general)

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