Web Page Reviews - 1999 - April

Communicate with Uncle Sam about tax forms, publications and info. Get help right from the horse's mouth. (1999-04)
Receive a free daily "clean" joke via email or browse the archives and send one to a buddy. (1999-04)
A jump off point for a wide range of internet site categories (news, newspapers, weather, sports, business, finance, law, politics, science, entertainment, columnists, comics, markets, mutual funds, bookshelf references, calculators, clocks, encyclopedias, almanacs, medical, auto maintenance, government, TV and radio schedules, travel, computer hardware and software tech support, etc., etc., etc. …): (1999-04)
Essential Links  (keywords: Search)
Who needs Hallmark anymore? Free digital postcards and animations. Over 30 categories of greetings, in addition to holidays. (You might want to keep this a secret from the youngest children due to some content.). (1999-04)
Thinking of upgrading your computer, or building a new one yourself? Peruse the articles at Tom's Hardware Guide and make a more educated decision on your next purchase. (Sorry, no Mac info here) (1999-04)
Tom's Hardware Guide  (keywords: Computers, info)
A fine collection of Windows drivers, bugs and fixes, tips, and tricks. If you can walk through your Control Panel, you can easily traverse this site: (1999-04)
Are you tired of the MS Office 97 Office Assistant, sometimes referred to as Clippy, the animated paperclip? Here's how to kill it… or at least put it to sleep: (1999-04)
Kill Clippy  (keywords: Office suites, generalWindows, general)
You look at that meatloaf in the back of the refrigerator and although it has no fur growing on it, it looks mighty tasty. But should you eat it or skip to the day old fish sandwich in front? This food safety site (by ABC's 20/20 TV program) includes RealPlayer video sequences on food storage, info on bacteria in leftovers, and links to other food safety sites, including the FDA. Now, about that meatloaf… (1999-04)
Writing your thesis and misplaced your dictionary? Let Merriam Webster (the ORIGINAL Webster) help out. Dictionary and thesaurus here. (1999-04)
Merriam-Webster  (keywords: Dictionaries, general)
LinkSys offers user friendly info on peer to peer and client server networking (including procedures and hardware requirements and descriptions), without pushing their products too hard. Go to their "Learning Center". (1999-04)
Linksys  (keywords: Computers, general)
Looking to save a buck? There's something free for everyone here. (1999-04)
The free site  (keywords: Freebies)
Useless Site of the Month. The site address says it all. (1999-04)
Inspirational Site of the Month. Snow scenes and thought provoking dialogue: (1999-04)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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