
Web Page Reviews - 2005 - April

Tips for tweaking and repairing Windows XP; downloads include free VB scripts, shareware, and security control utilities for Windows XP Home or Pro. (2005-04)
A few fast stick games. (2005-04)
A vast collection of photo galleries from around the world. (2005-04)
About This Particular Macintosh  (keywords: Photography, galleries)
Definitions for over 20,000 IT terms, many with photos/diagrams. What is "cache" anyway? (2005-04)
A Western US periodical with many valuable PC articles. Past issues in 'Archive' section (PDF format). (2005-04)
Computer Edge Online  (keywords: Computers, helpComputers, info)
Over 7,000 searchable detailed tips for solving Windows NT/2000/XP problems in a clear step by step format. (2005-04)
Fun and challenging puzzles and games to test your brain cells. Instructions should not be ignored. (2005-04)
Popular Mechanics offers hundreds of its published articles: automotive, photography, audio, home improvement, boating, clinics, science, and more. (2005-04)
Popular Mechanics Online  (keywords: Magazines)
Short slide show of things you won't see on CNN. (2005-04)
All about Savings Bonds, Treasury Bills, and other Federal investments. (2005-04)
Forbes' list of most expensive cars for 2005. Look for slide show option beneath article. (2005-04)
Most expensive cars 2005  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Forbes' list of most beautiful cars for 2005. Look for slide show option beneath article. (2005-04)
Most beautiful cars 2005  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Microsoft news, help, and tips for all flavors of Windows. (2005-04)
Help with Windows  (keywords: Windows, WinXP)
View 3 short films from this animation company (select film, then click 'movie'). (2005-04)
Historical Atlas of the 20th Century: graphical representations of history through 2000: religion, population, war, unique worldwide events, and more. (2005-04)
Historical Atlas of 20th Century  (keywords: History, general)
Hundreds of well organized Excel tips on everything from keyboard shortcuts to Visual Basic programming, (2005-04)
MS Excel Tips  (keywords: PCs, helpPCs, utilities)
Build a computer for almost no money at all. You already own most of the necessary components. (2005-04)
Slow down, stop, listen, and observe the daily circle of life in five geographical locations at this very unique site. (2005-04)
Make your own lava lamp - very carefully. Click on 'Formulas' (2005-04)
Photos of old rusty cars. Click on 'Pictures' buttons. (2005-04)
Old rusty cars  (keywords: Automotive, generalPhotography, galleries)
Videos taken from San Jose's Lick Observatory of the San Francisco Bay area; click on "HamCam" and "Daily" buttons. (2005-04)
Lick Observatory  (keywords: Panorama, generalScience, earth sciencesWeb cam)
The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad includes an extensive collection of maps, drawings, and photos of locomotives, cars, depots, town descriptions, and more. (2005-04)
Share your password protected photo collections. View public galleries. Requires free membership. (2005-04)
Image Station  (keywords: Photography, galleries)
Free "AM-DeadLink" utility detects dead links and duplicates in your browser bookmarks. Go to 'downloads'. (2005-04)
Dead link utility  (keywords: PCs, utilities)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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