
Web Page Reviews - 2009 - September

A brief visual history of the credit card. (2009-09)
Site suggests methods for converting leftovers into new menus with no waste, and Rescue Recipes for those past their prime in storage. (2009-09)
Rescue recipes  (keywords: Food, recipes)
Investor website has a financially educational collection. Select "Browse all Investing 101 articles". (2009-09)
Over 700 short high quality videos on science, nature, technology, and other topics. Select "videos" from the menu bar. (2009-09)
Educated earth  (keywords: Nature, generalScience, generalTechnology, general)
Humorous quotations of Stephen Wright. (2009-09)
Stephen Wright  (keywords: Quotes)
Various two and four legged creatures snoozing. (2009-09)
Snoozing  (keywords: Animals, general)
Free tool for detection, assessment of, and solution for missing security patches and end of life programs on your PC. Select "Software Inspectors" button, then choose from "Online" or "Personal Desktop" (download) options. (2009-09)
Software inspectors  (keywords: Security, generalWindows, security)
Thirty five recent pictures from the ISS, including an erupting volcano, Chicago, Charles DeGaulle Airport, Suez Canal, and more. (2009-09)
ISS photos  (keywords: Space, photosSpace, station)
A very accurate digital simulation of the path of the International Space Station. Use "Configure" tab to change view direction, labeling, and night lights. (2009-09)
Instead of flipping a coin, try this Decision Maker. (2009-09)
100 Free Music Lessons You Can Take On YouTube. (2009-09)
Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750's to today. (2009-09)
Excerpts from the Weatherly Guide to Drawing Animals. (2009-09)
Articles on cameras, gadgets, accessories, photo tips and tricks, and galleries. (2009-09)
Great Lakes shipping information includes ships, shipwrecks, models, events, lighthouses, galleries, and more. (2009-09)
Boat nerd  (keywords: Nautical, general)
Search for "20 Scary Old School Surgical Tools" for some vintage surgical instruments. (2009-09)
Surgical tools  (keywords: Medical, tools)
Browse through the collection of short articles in the Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security. (2009-09)
78 humorous rules of photography and related useful advice. (2009-09)
After installing Google Earth, this document describes how to start the Google Flight Simulator and use the various keyboard combinations for a Windows, Linux, or Mac machine. (2009-09)
Click on a series of international city pictures to cause the lights to fade for Earth Hour 2009. (2009-09)
Earth hour '09  (keywords: Photography, general)
NASA inspired technology in commercial and military aircraft, helicopters, and general aviation. Select from these categories below the animation. Rotate the aircraft illustration using the slider bar. (2009-09)
What time is it? (2009-09)
invalid URL removed
Rappin' on Southwest Airlines. (2009-09)
Rappin' on SWA  (keywords: Airline, generalHumor, general)
Free online tool to write upside down. (2009-09)
Flip text  (keywords: Software, free)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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