
Web Page Reviews - 2016 - February

Preserving your Privacy in Windows 10 - free document download. (2016-02)
List of open-source programs for MS Windows operating systems. (2016-02)
Open-source for Windows  (keywords: Software, open source)
Recently bought a Windows computer? Microsoft probably has your Encryption Key. (2016-02)
Windows 10 encryption key  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
World time maps, clocks, and directory. (2016-02)
24 time zones  (keywords: Time, general)
If you're fine with Microsoft's approach to privacy in Windows 10, you're out of touch. (2016-02)
MS approach to privacy  (keywords: Security, privacyWindows, Windows 10, general)
How to stop Windows 10 forcing itself onto PCs - your essential guide. (2016-02)
Windows 10 upgrade blocker  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Hundreds of videos on many topics, sponsored by GoProCameras. Flight, surf, autos, music, animals, and more. (2016-02)
GoPro videos  (keywords: Internet, videos)
W10Privacy - Windows 10 telemetry blocker. (2016-02)
Windows 10 telemetry blocker  (keywords: Security, privacyWindows, Windows 10, general)
How to reclaim your privacy in Windows 10, piece by piece. (2016-02)
Reclaim Windows privacy  (keywords: Security, privacyWindows, Windows 10, general)
Math is fun! Games, puzzles, and math topics. (2016-02)
Math is fun  (keywords: Mathematics, general)
How the police use Google to track your every move. (2016-02)
How Police use Google  (keywords: Internet, security)
Nine useful browser shortcuts. (2016-02)
Browser shortcuts  (keywords: Internet, browser, general)
How to troubleshoot your home network. (2016-02)
Best hidden features of VLC, the excellent free media player for Windows and Linux. (2016-02)
Best VLC features  (keywords: Software, media players)
Language learning site which focuses on grammar and vocabulary, with free resources such as: lessons, grammar tips, vocabulary, phrases, language tools, and audio files to download. (2016-02)
Language learning  (keywords: Language, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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