
Web Page Reviews - 2016 - March

Four things to consider when buying a Security Suite (or settling for a free one). (2016-03)
Security Suites  (keywords: Security, softwareSoftware, security)
Forgetting your Windows 10 password isn't the disaster it used to be. (2016-03)
invalid URL removed
The time to make a Windows 10 recovery drive is BEFORE your PC dies. (2016-03)
Windows 10 recovery drive  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
A RAM stick chopped up to show you how it works. (2016-03)
Chopped RAM stick  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
A motherboard ripped apart to show you how it works. (2016-03)
Chopped motherboard  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
Some internet connectivity problems can be remedied with a properly done power cycling of your modem and router. (2016-03)
Proper modem/router power cycling  (keywords: Computers, hardware, router)
Your IP address, who can see it and what you can do about it. (2016-03)
Your IP address  (keywords: Computers, networks, general)
How to wipe a hard drive before you give it away or trash it. (2016-03)
Wiping a hard drive  (keywords: Computers, security)
38 free data destruction software programs for wiping data from hard drives. (2016-03)
Delete everything from a hard drive  (keywords: Computers, hardware, hard driveComputers, security)
Worried about your hard disk? Here are 3 ways to check hard disk health on Windows. (2016-03)
Checking hard drive health  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
The humble power supply unit (PSU) explained. It doesn't hurt to have a spare on hand, just in case. (2016-03)
About power supplies  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
Free easy to use personal finance software for Windows, Apple, Linux, and Android. (2016-03)
MoneyManagerEx software  (keywords: Software, financial)
Find missing drivers and hidden devices in Windows, with Device Manager. (2016-03)
Using Windows' Device Manager  (keywords: Windows, general)
Fixing four major Windows 10's privacy problems (3 min. video). (2016-03)
Four Windows 10 privacy problems  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Why you don't need an RFID blocking wallet. (2016-03)
RFID blocking  (keywords: Shopping, security)
How strong is your password? Enter it here; then scroll down to view a detailed analysis. (2016-03)
Password strength  (keywords: Security, password, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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