
Web Page Reviews - 2022 - May

Typography can enhance your writing, create a better first impression, reinforce your key points, extend reader attention. Butterick's Practical Typography might make you a better designer of invitations, menus, books, websites, and more. (2022-05)
Butterick's Practical Typography guide  (keywords: Type/typography)
What's a QR Code? (7-min, video) (2022-05)
What's a QR code?  (keywords: Phones, general)
Hudson's Department Store - Looking back over the landscape of Americana. (8-min. video) (2022-05)
Hudson's Dept Store  (keywords: Local, history)
Opt-in or opt-out of receiving unsolicited offers for credit or insurance in the mail. Not sure? View the extensive FAQ section to help you decide. (2022-05)
Opt in/out of credit/insurance offers  (keywords: Security, personal identity)
What is your personal info and identity worth on the Dark Web in 2022? Check this list for average product prices. (2022-05)
Value of your personal info/identity on the web  (keywords: Security, personal identity)
1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, & 5G explained -- Understand the technology behind your cell phone. (2022-05)
Cell phone technology  (keywords: Phones, general)
Large collection of videos filled with interesting facts for the subjects of Life, History, Science, Space, and Beyond. (2022-05)
Hybrid Librarian  (keywords: History, generalScience, generalSpace, general)
Gallery of Regrettable Food. A collection of poorly photographed foodstuffs and horrid recipes from the 40s to 70s. (2022-05)
Regrettable food  (keywords: Food, generalPhotography, food)
Can't understand what they are singing? Try searching for the tune lyrics here in this large song database. Search by artist name or song title. Many are arranged within their original album with associated tunes. (2022-05)
AZ Lyrics  (keywords: Music, general)
Best things to keep in a safe deposit box. (2022-05)
Safe deposit box contents  (keywords: Finances, personal)
What is WhatsApp, and why is it so popular? (2022-05)
What is WhatsApp  (keywords: Phones, messaging/texting)
S.C.A.M.S. (Stopping Crimes Against Macomb Seniors) 32-page booklet available for download from Macomb County Prosecutor's Office. (2022-05)
S.C.A.M.S. booklet  (keywords: Security, scamsSeniors, scams)
Scammers using fake SMS bank fraud alerts to phish victims. (2022-05)
Fake bank fraud alerts  (keywords: Finances, scamsSecurity, scams)
Text Message Segment Guide. All phone carriers internationally measure text messages in 160-character batches ("segments"). (2022-05)
Text message segment guide  (keywords: Phones, messaging/texting)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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