
Web Page Reviews - 2001 - October

Ghoulish Grub and Gross Goodies presents recipes for entrees/deserts/drinks (some with that demon alcohol) to disgust your Halloween guests (at least visually). Even instructions for restyling the simple meatloaf into a lifeless form. (What's that floating in the punchbowl???) (2001-10)
Some creatively ghoulish Halloween animated and static clipart can be found on these websites. (2001-10)
Mistress Demonica's Horror Graphics has over 500 creepy clipart for your Halloween pleasure. Also, her backgrounds of horror. (2001-10)
The Star Horror Chamber supplies five free animated fonts for Halloween. (2001-10)
Stardust's Horror Fonts (over 100) and captivating Dingbats for use in creating your creepy Halloween greetings. (2001-10)
USB Implementers Forum is a nonprofit corporation founded by the group of companies that developed the Universal Serial Bus specification. Click on 'USB FAQ' for the real icing on this cake. (2001-10)
USB Implementers Forum  (keywords: Computers, general)
This site will present you with a sample of the contents of a cookie, showing what information can be garnered from your home PC. (2001-10)
Privacy dot net - analyze  (keywords: Internet, security)
If you've ever found yourself wondering "Why aren't there enough tentacles on my pizzas?", check this out. Here the author describes Japanese pizza as "truly an abomination for mankind". (2001-10)
Chachic - Japanese pizza  (keywords: Cooking, Japanese)
"Ray's List of Weird and Disgusting Foods" is not for the faint of heart (or queasy of stomach). (2001-10)
Interactive Relief and Rescue Map of NYC. Locate critical, important, and casual points of interest. Map is zoomable and movable across all of Manhattan and can be downloaded. (2001-10)
Before you show up at the airport, this FAA site informs you of important air travel tips, including flight delays, what not to pack, evacuation info, security info, and more. (2001-10)
Are you not sure if the free software you are about to download is in fact a so called Spyware or Adware or otherwise advertising enhanced product that installs additional third party components on your system? This site can help you find out. (2001-10)
Spy checker  (keywords: Internet, general)
Take an extensive photo tour of New York City. (2001-10)
NYC tourist - photo menu  (keywords: Travel, NY)
Wishing you could put a halt to those irritating pop up ads on the internet? Check these free utilities that promise to combat these pests. (2001-10)
A site supplying free technical assistance with hardware and software problems related to various Windows platforms. Got a Windows installation problem or want to build our own PC? Ask these folks for help. (2001-10)
Free PC tech  (keywords: Linux, general)
A site of free tips, tricks, and tutorials on all flavors of Windows. (2001-10)
Everyone has experienced the dreaded Error 404 page, when you reach the dead end of a web search. But there are some very creative designers of 404 pages. The 404 Research Lab presents a very amusing view of its artistic side. Click on "Area 404" for the humorous side. Other options include 404 history, coping with 404's, and the weekly 404 selection. (2001-10)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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