
Web Page Reviews - 2006 - April

Download "CWShredder" to find and destroy traces of CoolWebSearch, a name given to a wide range of different browser hijackers. Check for updates occasionally. (2006-04)
Hundreds of pictures and descriptions of global super cars. Start with 'complete index'. (2006-04)
Photos to enjoy as wallpaper. (2006-04)
Free utility allows full access to NTFS based file systems with a single boot floppy. Select 'freeware'. (2006-04)
Windows XP crashed? Here's help from a non-geek. (2006-04)
Financial calculators - mortgage, loan, credit/debit, savings, retirement, investment, tax. Click on "financial calculators". (2006-04)
Sculptures created with cans. Select 'Competition' for contest entries. (2006-04)
New and replacement window selection tool, technologies, design, benefits. (2006-04)
New windows  (keywords: Home, upgrade)
Fair, accurate, credible info on energy performance of windows, doors, skylights. (2006-04)
New windows & doors  (keywords: Home, upgrade)
Explore options for saving energy and using renewable energy at home, at work, in community, while driving. Energy self-audits and calculators. (2006-04)
Energy at home  (keywords: EnergyHome, general)
Conserve energy in your home. Download fact sheets on many energy subjects. Click on "Library". (2006-04)
Energy fact sheets  (keywords: EnergyHome, general)
Organization focused on confronting excesses of computer waste in the form of "Toxic Trade". View the photo your PC here? (2006-04)
PC waste  (keywords: Computers, recycling)
IRS's AMT Assistant will tell you if this income tax applies to you. (2006-04),,id=150703,00.html
Can't remember the ending plot twist in a movie? Want to spoil it for someone else? (2006-04)
Plot twist  (keywords: Movies, general)
A step by step guide to setting up a video blog for free. Watch the video for tips. (2006-04)
Video blog  (keywords: Internet, browsing, general)
Encyclopedic reference work cataloging world's 6,912 known living languages - regions, populations, dialects. (2006-04)
World languages  (keywords: Language, general)
All about beer - brewing, styles, facts, evolution, recipes, int'l cheers. (2006-04)
Puns, limericks, spoonerisms, palindromes, daily word meaning/history, word games, links to language and specialty dictionaries. (2006-04)
Words  (keywords: Language, general)
Hundreds of fact sheets, bulletins, educational materials - lawn, garden, pests, food prep and safety, nutrition, home mgmt, financial mgmt, stain removal, fitness, dieting, much more. (2006-04)
Miss fact sheets  (keywords: Bugs, controlFood, generalHealth, generalInvesting)
Mapping utility with slick direction finder. Navigate/zoom with mouse. (2006-04)
Inept mapping  (keywords: Internet, mapping)
Searches for best prices on books. (2006-04)
More than 5,000 pages of editorial content about European travel, including maps, guides, photos. (2006-04)
Europe travel  (keywords: Travel, Europe)
Extremely talented performer sets his craft to Beatles music. (2006-04)
Local web site(s) of the month; sites of interest in and near SE Michigan. Look here each month for another interesting site from our area. (2006-04)
Find local sales and online deals - search by product category, brand, price or store. Enter your preferred zip code. (2006-04)
Local sales  (keywords: Local, shoppingShopping, general)
View sale items at select local stores. (2006-04)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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