
Web Page Reviews - 2015 - May

Free tool to objectively evaluate your bandwidth consumption situation, measure internet speed, identify network problem sources, track down suspicious network activity, and more. (2015-05)
Networx  (keywords: Windows, networkingWindows, troubleshooting)
Some advanced formatting and customization tips for Word users. (2015-05)
Word formatting  (keywords: Office suites, Word)
Word defaults  (keywords: Office suites, Word)
Japanese game where players take turns to pick a word that starts with the last letter of the previous word. Single and multi-player modes. (2015-05)
Shiritori  (keywords: Entertainment, gamesGames, online)
20 illustrated guides every manly man on earth should know (OK, women, too). (2015-05)
20 guides  (keywords: Curiosity)
A searchable movie quote database. (2015-05)
invalid URL removed
What actions can you take to increase your Wi-Fi performance and get your streaming speed back up to par? (2015-05)
Faster Wi-Fi  (keywords: Internet, speed)
Streaming media, voice, video communications, and online gaming require more than just raw speed. Run this test to determine the quality of your broadband Internet connection. (2015-05)
invalid URL removed
You may be able to increase your Wi-Fi speed by switching to a less busy channel, no matter which frequency you're on. This wireless channel analyzer can help accomplish that goal. (2015-05)
Wi-Fi speed  (keywords: Internet, speed)
Cornell University offers an extensive bird guide, bird cams, tips on attracting and photographing birds, taxonomy, biology, history, science, and so much more. (2015-05)
Bird guide  (keywords: Birds)
Michigan National Guard and Detroit Navy history are highlighted in new publications on the 'resources/history and heritage' web page of this site. (2015-05)
Michigan National Guard  (keywords: History, MichiganHistory, militaryLocal, historyMilitary, history)
Clips from various comedy and late night shows. (2015-05)
Comedy shows  (keywords: Television, shows, general)
A source of serious and humorous stuff in everyday life. (2015-05)
Distractify  (keywords: Curiosity)
Wikipedia maintains a list of rogue security software tools. Beware of these! Also, be aware of minute spelling differences between the names of these threats and of legitimate security products. (Finally, be aware that there may be legitimate tools erroneously listed here.) (2015-05)
Rogue software  (keywords: Software, security)
Amateur (ham) radio satellites, including launch dates and images of the satellites. (2015-05)
Radio satellites  (keywords: Radio, amateur)
PC hardware and gadgets independently reviewed. (2015-05)
PC hardware reviews  (keywords: Computers, hardware, general)
Live counters display current internet usage estimates based on data provided by 250+ reliable sources. (2015-05)
Internet usage  (keywords: Internet, statistics)
Find highly rated, little known movies. (2015-05)
Good movies  (keywords: Movies, reviews)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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