Curiosity (23)

Everything had a first version: here you can find it! Choose Categories, Archive, or Events from the menu. (2024-11)
Everything had a First Version  (keywords: Curiosity)
Carpentopod, a remote-control table that walks on 12 legs like some sort of stocky wooden insect. Includes several short videos. (2024-10)
Carpentopod remote-control wooden creature  (keywords: Curiosity)
Fast facts in 150 subjects. Click on the "source" button if you disbelieve any claim. (2016-09)
Fast facts  (keywords: Curiosity)
A source of serious and humorous stuff in everyday life. (2015-05)
Distractify  (keywords: Curiosity)
20 illustrated guides every manly man on earth should know (OK, women, too). (2015-05)
20 guides  (keywords: Curiosity)
Collection of downloadable posters depicting graphical explorations of the data that surrounds us. Select "Load more" to view additional posters. (2011-06)
Data posters  (keywords: CuriosityPoster)
Just move the mouse around the color wall. (2010-09)
Color wall  (keywords: Art, generalCuriosity)
Blue Ball machine. (2008-01)
Blue balls  (keywords: Curiosity)
A madhouse of movement. (2007-02)
Blue balls  (keywords: Curiosity)
Create a spectacular light show with grapes. (2006-11)
Grape light show  (keywords: Curiosity)
Photos of stuff on cats. Go to "Categories". (2006-10)
Stuff on cats  (keywords: CuriosityPhotography, nature)
Bumper sticker sayings. (2006-06)
Bumper stickers  (keywords: CuriosityHumor, general)
International Federation of Competitive Eating - contest schedules, winners, and records. At home training, not recommended. (2006-06)
Competitive eating  (keywords: CuriosityFood, general)
Your birth date details. (2006-01)
Birth date info  (keywords: Curiosity)
Who'd have thought there was so much technical knowledge and creativity tied up in shoelaces? (2005-10)
Shoelace technology  (keywords: CuriosityFashion, shoes)
Lots of entertaining videos, some involving very stupid individuals. (2005-09)
Stupid videos  (keywords: CuriosityHumor, general)
Read about silly to serious fads that helped change society and create pop cultures from the 1920's to 2000's. (2005-09)
Fads  (keywords: CultureCuriosity)
Morse code translator. (2005-06)
Morse code  (keywords: CuriositySecurity, general)
Browse this artist's unique abstract artwork created through computer programming. Click each image for additional info. (2005-06)
Algorithm images  (keywords: Art, generalCuriosity)
Movie gallery of actual shredding - from the ordinary but tough, to the surprising. (2005-06)
Shredding anything  (keywords: Curiosity)
Photos from around the world being used to tell time. Click on "view the clock"; also view the gallery. (2005-01)
Human clock  (keywords: CuriosityTime, general)
Wacky patents, including figures and descriptions. Ever seen any of these contraptions? (2004-09)
Prior wacky patents  (keywords: CuriosityMiscellaneous)
The faces and objects pictured here are carved from the seeds of fruit such as peach, plum, apricot, olive, sweet cherry, wild cherry and even the seed from the dogwood tree. (2004-03)
Pit carving  (keywords: Art, generalCuriosity)

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