Has one of your web accounts (email or other) been hacked or breached? One of mine was...twice. Enter it here to find out option to set up notification. (2016-10)
Ten free tools to tweak and optimize an SSD on Windows. (2016-10)
Use MS Office applications online for free. Only requires you to have a Microsoft account, such as an e-mail account. (2016-10)
An online directory of gas stations offering full pump services at self-serve prices, serving drivers with disabilities in Michigan. (2016-10)
Free comprehensive hardware analysis, monitoring, and reporting tool for Windows. (2016-10)
Duckduckgo is the search engine that does not track you. What more needs to be said?? Just "duck it". (2016-10)
13 infographics to help you eat healthier. (2016-10)
Confused between the terms 'RAID' and 'backup'? Let these furry creatures clear it up. (2016-10)
Four applications to listen to Internet radio stations on Linux. (2016-10)
Really small furniture for tight spaces. (6-minute video) (Furnishings available at http://resourcefurniture.com) (2016-10)
Cause increasingly populated chain reactions. (2016-10)
Someone's list of 25 free "must-have" apps for Windows 7 and 8.1 . (2016-10)
Someone's list of 25 free "must-have" apps for Windows 10. (2016-10)
Five precautions for avoiding malware when you download and install software. (2016-10)
Easily determine just how secure your web browser is from tracking. (2016-10)
There are often many ways to do the same thing in Windows. Here are 10 ways to open File Explorer in Windows 10. (Some work in other Windows versions as well.) (2016-10)
Make Linux live disks easily with free Etcher tool. (2016-10)
How to configure the apps and items shown on the Windows 10 Start Menu. (2016-10)
Info about the Michigan state capitol building - history, events, legislature, tours, and more. (2016-10)
How to reset Windows 10 to factory settings. (2016-10)
Try to guess the color as quickly as possible. (2016-10)
Downloadable Michigan driving guide covers 20 special byways and tour routes highlighting scenic, historical, & natural attractions along the routes. (2016-10)
Don't want Edge as your default browser? Learn how to change it with simple tutorial, plus how to set other program defaults. (2016-10)
How to find merged cells in Excel. (2016-10)
Ransomware: The smart person's guide - history, who's being targeted, and how to avoid paying a ransom. (2016-10)
How to install Linux on a PC with Secure Boot enabled. (2016-10)
How to find your wireless network password. (2016-10)
20 fixes for a Windows 10 update meltdown. (2016-10)
How to find out if your PC is compatible with Linux. (2016-10)
Free open-source FlightGear flight simulator. Be sure to also grab the additional aircraft and scenery files. (Windows, Mac, Linux) (2016-10)
Try to successfully manage transportation systems between places by land, air, and water for passengers, mail, and goods in this free transportation simulator. (Windows, Mac, Linux) (2016-10)
Join the letters and get to the 'K' tile. (2016-10)
10 password cracking tools for Windows, Linux and web applications. For brute-force attacks (use, if at all, with extreme caution!) or just to recover a forgotten password. (2016-10)
How to use Alt keyboard sequences to create special characters. (2016-10)
Is your computer connecting to websites without your knowledge? Some simple DOS commands will tell you. (2016-10)
How to write a password that takes over 35 quadrillion years to crack, but is easy to remember. (Well, maybe not quite that long.) (2016-10)
Fire prevention and preparation are crucial to decreasing the number of injuries and deaths from this disaster. Here are tips regarding fire safety for kids, seniors, and pets. (2016-10)
Get this free "Windows 10 IT Pro Essentials Support Secrets" ebook and answer many of your own help questions. Download link is at the end of the chapter descriptions. (2016-10)
There are many quality free tools for creating system backups. Here is how to use Windows 10's native full backup and restore process. (2016-10)
How to turn off Windows 10's keylogger (yes, it still has one), and keep Windows out of your personal business. (2016-10)
How to find Windows 10 system information. (2016-10)
King of Random has created over 150 project videos that'll teach you everything from turning potatoes into magic mud, to building laser assisted blowguns on a budget. And even some genuinely useful everyday tips. (2016-10)
Two popular free alternatives to the standard Windows 10 start menu. (2016-10)