Security, ransomware (17)

If you're a victim of LockerGoga ransomware, it's now possible (and easy) to get your files back. (2022-10)
LockerGoga ransomware fix  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Ransomware, what it is, how it works, types, and examples. (2021-09)
All about ransomware  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
A sure fire way to protect against ransomware. (2021-09)
Protect against ransomware  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Article describes how to remove the CovidLock ransomware from your Android device. (2020-04)
Remove "CovidLock" ransomware from Android  (keywords: Health, CoronavirusSecurity, ransomware)
COVID-19 Tracker app delivers CovidLock ransomware to your Android device. Always research apps before installing them. (2020-04)
COVID-19 Tracker is ransomware  (keywords: Health, CoronavirusSecurity, ransomware)
Ransomware attacks commercial as well as personal computers. Here's how Ransomware locks your PC & holds your data hostage, and what precautions you can take to mitigate an attack. Watch this 5-min. video. It's worth repeating. (2019-04)
Ransomware precautions  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Decryption tools available here for SOME types of ransomware. (2017-10)
Ransomware decryption tools  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
WannaCry 2.0 ransomware is more aggressive than the first version. Article includes short video demonstration of a WannaCry ransomware infection. (2017-06)
WannaCry 2.0  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
WannaCry ransomware decryption tool released, providing the possibility to unlock files without paying the ransom. (2017-06)
WannaCry decrypt tool  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
One of the most dangerous forms of ransomware ("Cerber") has just evolved to be harder to spot. (2017-05)
Cerber ransomware  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
How to rescue your PC from ransomware. (2017-05)
Rescue PC from ransomware  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Article author infected his Windows computer with ransomware to test RansomFree's protection. (2017-04)
RansomFree test  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Article suggests that "RansomFree" is the free program that protects your PC against ransomware. (2017-04)
RansomFree  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Ransomware: The smart person's guide - history, who's being targeted, and how to avoid paying a ransom. (2016-10)
Ransomware guide  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Got ransomware? These tools may help. (2016-06)
Ransomware tools  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
Ransomware scams are serious stuff. Should you pay up, or what else can you do? Here are your options, plus how to guard against ransomware. (2016-05)
Ransomware scams  (keywords: Computers, securitySecurity, ransomware)
Ransomware is a rapidly growing plague on computer users, and the latest variant of Locky adds malicious Word macros to its weaponry. (2016-04)
Locky ransomware  (keywords: Security, ransomware)

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