
Web Page Reviews - 2018 - February

How to build lightweight furniture that folds, inflates, knocks down, stacks, or is disposable and can be recycled, from the 1970s. (2018-02)
invalid URL removed
High resolution panoramic photography, primarily of the Lower Silesia region of Poland, but also of other European locations. (2018-02)
Silesia, Poland  (keywords: Photography, general)
Cookies are a necessary part of the way the web works as well as a source of privacy concerns and security risks. Learn all about cookies here. (2018-02)
Learn about cookies  (keywords: Internet, browser, cookies)
How to "uninstall" Linux or delete Linux partition from a Windows computer. (2018-02)
Uninstall Linux  (keywords: Linux, general)
How to install Firefox Focus, an Android browser that blocks trackers and clears your history. (2018-02)
Firefox Focus  (keywords: Android, general)
The purpose of AMS is to observe, monitor, collect information, plot, and report on meteors, meteoric fireballs, meteoric trains, and related meteoric phenomena, including the sightings over SE Michigan in Jan. 2018. (2018-02)
Meteors  (keywords: Space, meteorites)
How to improve your mouse-pointing accuracy in Windows 10. (2018-02)
Mouse accuracy  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
Live CDs are perhaps the most useful tool in any geek's toolkit. This live CD how-to guide outlines many uses that live CDs or DVDs can offer, from data recovery to enhancing privacy. (2018-02)
Live CDs  (keywords: Computers, general)
How to use VirtualBox: A user's guide. (Includes download link.) (2018-02)
Using VirtualBox  (keywords: Computers, general)
Android security 101: How to secure your data connections and browse the web safely. (2018-02)
Android security  (keywords: Android, general)
How to change Standard User Account to Admin Account in Windows 10. (2018-02)
Change Windows 10 accounts  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, general)
120+ Linux commands that are actually useful. (2018-02)
120 Linux commands  (keywords: Linux, general)
If car journeys were like commercial flights. (5-min. video) (2018-02)
Car journeys  (keywords: Humor, general)
What Is "Google Play Services"? Why do you need it? Is it even safe? (2018-02)
Google Play Services  (keywords: Internet, Google)
Wall Street Journal touts this as the home for America's most elegant, adventurous and addictive crosswords and other word games. Daily additions to the collection. (2018-02)
Crossword and word puzzles  (keywords: Games, puzzles)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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