
Web Page Reviews - 2021 - October

The Consumer Product Safety Commission lists all sorts of recalled products. View their details and company contact info. Search by date, hazard, or category. Download info into a CSV file (viewable as plain text, or in spreadsheet format). Check this site often!!! (2021-10)
Consumer Product Safety Commission product recalls  (keywords: Government, consumer protection)
Fun interactive games to help improve fluency and confidence with many different basic math skills. (2021-10)
Math skill games  (keywords: Mathematics, general)
How to enable or disable volume control and hardware media key handling in Mozilla Firefox. (2021-10)
Handling media volume control in Firefox  (keywords: Internet, browser, Firefox)
How do I remove invalid email addresses from auto-fill? (2021-10)
Remove invalid email addresses from Auto-fill  (keywords: Email, general)
An overheating condition can cause a huge number of PC problems. Here's how to identify the condition early on, and what you can do to fix it. (2021-10)
Identify PC over-heating causes  (keywords: Computers, troubleshooting)
View current Macomb County rainfall data and mappings gathered from 22 rain gauges spread across the region. (2021-10)
Rainfall mapping  (keywords: Local, generalWeather, rainfall)
Macomb County's "Friendly Caller" program helps seniors with feelings of isolation and loneliness. (2021-10)
"Friendly Caller" service for seniors  (keywords: Local, generalSeniors, support)
Restoring an image backup from one computer to another. (2021-10)
Restoring image backup between computers  (keywords: Computers, backup)
Almost all major websites -- including Google, Facebook, and Wikipedia -- run on a version of Linux. It's the same with the clouds and supercomputers. Celebrate the 30th birthday of Linux, August 25, 2021!! (2021-10)
Happy 30th Birthday, Linux!  (keywords: Linux, general)
Telling inspiring, positive, and often humorous, video stories about humans being good to animals (and animals returning in kind). Click on "videos" or "playlists". (2021-10)
Inspiring, humorous animal videos  (keywords: Animals, general)
Which email service should I use? (2021-10)
Which email service to use?  (keywords: Email, general)
Websites to listen to the radio in your web browser. (2021-10)
Listen to radio on the web  (keywords: Radio, general)
Useful ways to reuse an old router (don't throw it away!). (2021-10)
Reuse an old router  (keywords: Computers, hardware, router)
How to deactivate your Facebook account or delete it for good. (2021-10)
Deactivate'delete Facebook account  (keywords: Facebook)
7 red flags that someone is stealing your Wi-Fi. Is your home network sufficiently secured and locked down?? (2021-10)
Stealing your WiFi  (keywords: Security, Wi-Fi, general)
How to deal with when "unsubscribe" doesn't work. (2021-10)
When "unsubscribe" doesn't work  (keywords: Email, spam)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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