
Web Page Reviews - 2022 - October

i~GT Gardening tips and info for Michigan gardeners. Download their magazine issues between 2012 and today. (2022-10)
Michigan Gardener  (keywords: Gardening, general)
Accessing Chernobyl in 2021 - Three-part video series: (2022-10)
The Plant - 18 minute video  (keywords: Energy)
The City - 17 minute video  (keywords: Energy)
The Tomb, the deadliest area - 13 minute video  (keywords: Energy)
Cybersecurity knowledge quiz. Ten questions to test your security wits. (2022-10)
Cybersecurity quiz  (keywords: Security, quiz)
Take a rare close-up look at how Intel makes its chips - Inside Fab 28, Intel's elite chip-making site. (Includes a few short videos.) (2022-10)
How Intel makes its chips  (keywords: Computers, hardware,chips)
Learn how to spot an imposter scam. (Includes several short videos.) (2022-10)
Spot an imposter scam  (keywords: Security, scams)
Turn an old laptop into a Chromebook. (2022-10)
Build a Chromebook  (keywords: Chromebook and OS)
Learn the basic Bash language commands for your Linux operating system. (2022-10)
Learn Bash language  (keywords: Computers, programmingLinux, programming)
If you're a victim of LockerGoga ransomware, it's now possible (and easy) to get your files back. (2022-10)
LockerGoga ransomware fix  (keywords: Security, ransomware)
How does the Internet work? (9-min. video) (2022-10)
How the Internet works  (keywords: Internet, tutorial)
How does your mobile phone work? (9-min. video) (2022-10)
How mobile phones work  (keywords: Phones, tutorial)
What is Wi-Fi calling? How do I enable VoWiFi? (2022-10)
What is Wi-Fi calling?  (keywords: Phones, tutorial)
How to mount your smart cameras for your home or yard without drilling. (2022-10)
Mount smart cameras without drilling  (keywords: Home, safetySecurity, home)
Building a Lego-powered radio-controlled submarine including a Raspberry Pi and Python code. (7-min. video) (2022-10)
Lego-powered radio-controlled sub  (keywords: Computers, Raspberry PiLegoNautical, general)
Going Dark. Colorful infographic collection describing how to approach being practically invisible on the web. (2022-10)
Going Dark - Invisible on the web  (keywords: Internet, security)
Some Windows 10 and 11 features are not installed by default, but can be added by the user, and some can also be removed. Here's how. (2022-10)
Installing/removing Windows 10/11 features  (keywords: Windows, Windows 10, featuresWindows, Windows 11, features)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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