
Web Page Reviews - 2023 - November

Monterey Bay Aquarium Cams - See what the sharks, sea otters, penguins, jelly fish, and other various creatures are up to live. (2023-11)
Monterey Bay Aquarium cams  (keywords: Animals, general)
Top 3 most popular Halloween candy by State [Interactive map]. (2023-11)
Most popular Halloween candy  (keywords: Holidays, Halloween)
How I got to the bottom of a vexing toilet paper mystery. - A "senior scientist" of butt-wiping explains what he's been up to. (2023-11)
Toilet paper mystery  (keywords: Science, general)
How often should you wash your jeans? The Levi's CEO settles the debate. (2023-11)
Washing jeans  (keywords: Clothing, general)
How an Air Force technician hacking the phone system led to the creation of Apple Computer. (2023-11)
Creation of 'Apple Computer'  (keywords: Apple, general)
How to check your computer uptime on Windows 11 and 10. (2023-11)
Computer uptime on Windows  (keywords: Windows, general)
How to delete your old online accounts (and why you should). (2023-11)
Delete old online accounts  (keywords: Security, Internet)
At the New Town Hall, the "Neues Rathaus", in Hanover, there's a strange elevator where the track curves unevenly. (2023-11)
Elevator with curving tracks  (keywords: Science, general)
The ocean Is deeper than you think - we need better maps. (2023-11)
How deep is the ocean?  (keywords: Maps, general)
How far does $1 from 1999 go today? Visualizing American inflation across eight categories. Run your mouse around the large chart and see the effects on various expense categories below the chart. (2023-11)
American inflation 1999 to present  (keywords: Finances, currency)
How to fix a broken charger port on your phone, tablet, or laptop. (2023-11)
Fix broken charger port  (keywords: Android, generalApple, generalComputers, hardware, charger)
Can you skip the surveyor and find your property lines with LandGlide? (2023-11)
Find property lines with LandGlide  (keywords: Home, general)
Interactive map of more than 450 bird migration patterns. (Hint: Click on "Take a tour" button.) (2023-11)
450 bird migration patterns  (keywords: Birds)
Oops! 10 keyboard shortcuts users keep hitting by mistake. (2023-11)
Keyboard shortcuts hit by mistake  (keywords: Computers, hardware, keyboardsInternet, keyboard)
Driving the new fastest car ever made! (12-min. video) (2023-11)
Fastest car ever made  (keywords: Automotive, general)
Key: Green: active web sites - - Red: inactive web sites
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